
Besides family members who are 5 people you look up to or want to be like? and why?

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Besides family members who are 5 people you look up to or want to be like? and why




  1. OK, I can't post their full names but I'd say mr.D, mr.G and miss M, my former teachers (because of their well-rounded education, the depth of their thought, their character and the things they made me think about), mr X (a prosecutor who, in  a very difficult time, dared to prosecute state officials implicated in the murder of a political opponent, despite the threats), and my friend B, who, after studying medicine in one of the best universities in the world, chose to dedicate his life to doing voluntary work in Africa, instead of making big money here (which he easily could have done).

    I don't want to become exactly like the aforementioned people, because I'm a different person, but I do admire them immensely.

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  2. OK, first person would be our prophet; Mohamed *peace be upon him* - because he is just the most merciful, good man!

    my angel! god bless him!

    and please, be respectful ppl and don't get me wrong!

    I am muslim, and I am proud of it, so no insulting, coz I'm not insulting u or ur religion!

    second; My friend Miguel - coz he is sooo good and helpful friend, I love him so much, he is like the bestest wise friend I have. he is also my candle in the dark, my moon in the desert, my sugar in the coffee!

    Third; another best friend HanJoon - he is simply my other half! he understands me, he is always beside me, I can never imagine my life without him!

    fourth; An Academic Manager in an English Center that i go 2 every year;

    Mr. Dominic, he is the most respectful man ever! he is a very helpful good wise person, I would be like a body without soul without him! he is just the spices in my life!

    fifth; My English teacher;

    she is the best teacher ever! wow, i love her so much! she is my coolest teacher! she is my heart, my soul, and my mind!

    and I don't wanna forget my bff Noura, she is simply my SOUL MATE! so u do the math! lol!

    oh and i like to be myself! but those ppl are my inspiration and i love to have some of their behaviors and characters!

    peace out;


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