
Besides mothmen and banshees what other mythological creatures have people asked about in zoology?

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I thought the banshee question was odd, now mothmen. How many other things have the mentally unhinged asked about on this site? I've already heard some mermaid questions, but they seemed to be kidding around. The banshee and mothmen people sounded quite serious. That's what I'm talking about.




  1. There's also the Chupacabra from Mexico.

  2. ive seen a ghost before it was a shadow with a top hat and a overcoat twice at my grandmas also theres a thunder birds,bigfoot,mongolian death worm,giant cat,leech,dog,catfish,bird,100 ft humans , sea monsters,blue tigers,demons,ghosts,lizardman the list goes on.

  3. If you want mentally unhinged you need to head over to the mythology section, there's a whole swag of people there claiming to be vampires and other people that think they can cast spells and many other sorts of foolishness.

  4. Dragons, virgins

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