
Besides oil, what is crucial for the American economy to be stable?

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I was thinking pharmecuticals (sp?). what else?





  1. the absolute critical problem is the Federal Reserve Bank. We will never have a stable econonomy as long as they control it.

  2. The US has had a brain drain? What?  With a statement like that I'm sort of inclined to agree, but then I realize the opposite is  true.

    The US is a consumer driven economy.  It doesn't produce, it consumes.  When people stop buying and start saving it collapses.  That's why Bush urged people to go out and buy things a year or so ago when the recession just go started...

  3. an educated population. If you want to follow economic boom, follow the brain power. We have had a brain drain. Look at India and China's college students.

  4. Good-paying jobs of ANY kind!  While manufacturing used to be a staple of the American economy, that is no longer true with jobs leaving off-shore.  The middle- and working-classes must have access to productive employment, and the poor must have access to jobs that will lead upward to improve their lives.  The inflation caused by both Reagan's military build-up and his slashing of social programs lead to a stagnant economy in the 80s, and now Bush is doing the same thing!  Add that to the rising consumer-price index and general price inflation, that means that the dollars we are earning are getting smaller and smaller.  We need a political system that will take the highs and lows out of the business cycle, and return Americans to some semblance of economic stability.

  5. real estate market

  6. Get out of debt to the world economies and get out of the Iraqi war. Downsize the military expenses and build up the educational expenses.

    Intelligent children grow up to be intelligent adults, unless you have that then you really are fighting a losing battle with anything else.

    Educate the masses properly. That's where you put your taxes first and foremost then within thirty years of supporting a smaller military expense and belt tightening you can be sure that the economy will not only stabilize but maintain a strong front for decades in the global economy.

    Get rid of the Pharmaceuticals, they are only in it for the money and trust me if you got rid of the greedy grubbing cons the health and welfare of the nation would rise above anyone else and health care problems of financing would plummet. That would save the nations billions every year.

  7. Very good question. here is a few things I think.

    Stable goverment.

    Jobs-that pay a livable wage

    fair taxes- may not be as low as we want. I would like no taxes

                        but also realize that taxes are needed.

  8. Cindy McCain and Rush Limbaugh will love that.  Both love pain pills.

  9. Uncle Sam's green note. If it gets stronger, oil price will fall.

  10. I agree with Luap & Penny.  In addition, the US needs to build an economic system that does not require that we maintain a large pool of cheap labor. Any possible solutions and initiatives Must include low income people in every part of the process.

  11. A stable currency

  12. Some one  in the white house with a brain in their head, and some common sense.

  13. DEBT repayment and increased consumer spending which is basically impossible because people have little money to spend because loads of people have gotten themselves deeply into debt to spend in the past already. 2/3 of the US economy is called debt and spending.

  14. The key to a stable economy is manufacturing.  Outsourcing is killing American manufacturing jobs and the ripple effect is felt by small business owners. It's time Americans woke up to the fact that corporations and bankers do not give a rat's butt about the average citizen.

    Why is it that the US auto industry is moving most of their plants offshore because they are losing money, while foreign auto companies are establishing new plants in America and making a profit?  It doesn't make sense.

  15. I don't follow you comment-question.  Oil will never return to $20 a barrel.  It does not matter who is in office.  By pharmaceuticals, I assume you mean lowering the price of drugs. If congress can violate patent rights it would have to be via a constitutional amendment to patent rights.  At any rate, the large drug research companies will move to another nation if price controls are applied to their work product.  I get the feeling that some people have a shopping list for congress to "help" with their notions of problems in the U.S.  Maybe, limiting the payment of life extending therapy in oncology and respiratory diseases would make sense.  I for one do not want to live to 80.  But, this country seems to be dedicated to treating its elders which is noble. But, expensive. It would be a fair discussion for a national debate among honest people.   Not politicians.

  16. Decode this lyrics "The greatest love of all"

    Luke 21.30-33

    It "Begin with the begin"

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17.

    Being recall back to the workshop for maintenance and servicing.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  17. The most critical need is that the public believe that their vote is actually counted and that they determine who is to take the next available seat in the Oval Office! Without a smooth transition then we will have anarchy! They keep placing barriers between the public and their elected officials. There are so many layers now that your vote is virtually meaningless! It now extends into the primaries! With the super delegates the DNC has effectively removed any chance for the public to cast a vote for the popular candidate! They will never again permit the public to decide who is to head the executive branch!

  18. Import/export trade. The same as any other country.

  19. A stable monetary system.  Our current system is debased (and getting worse) and certainly not reliable.  

    One of the reasons for the increase in the cost of oil is the debased monetary system and the resulting weakening dollar.  No matter what change is brought to bear on drugs or the large medical systems, prices will continue to rise with an economy using a debased monetary system.

  20. clean out the corruption in political office with jail terms for all that accept any money outside of their salary- also no free lunches, plane travel , gifts, etc, nothing but salary!

      But the number one thing to stabilize the economy would be to nationalize the oil companies and stop the stealing of our oil for the profit of the oil companies!

  21. For any economy to be strong, people must have faith in the economy. IE I believe Company X will be here for a long time, so I'am going to buy what I need for Company X, however Company Y sucks, so I won't buy from them, same goes for the economy, if people believe the economy will be good for quite some time, they are more likely to purchase big ticket items, like homes, which keep a lot of people working, everyone from the guy who cuts down the tree for wood for the home to the guy pounding the nails, on the flip side if alot of people think the economy is going down, they'll hold on to the money and not buy a home, which puts the trwee cutter on layoff, as well as the nail pounder, its only when some faith in the economy returns does it get better.

  22. a real leader in the white house.

  23. The housing market needs to stabilize again, which depends upon prices getting low enough that first time homebuyers decide it makes more fiscal sense to buy than rent.  That will put pressure on supply and begin to reverse the downwards real estate market trend.  

    Ideally, as the real estate markets increase the fed will be able to make small increases in bank rates to combat inflationary pressures.  Unfortunately, we have a downwards real estate market, increases in inflation and unemployment and the media's constant attention on it makes people who have the means, credit, and ability to buy homes hesitant to do so.  

    As far as the big picture, we need to show more responsibility in the way we lend...and borrow.

  24. Getting rid of the non-federal Federal Reserve.

    Cleaning up the government which is heavily corrupt and is in the pockets of private global bank owners and major corporations.

  25. before America will come out of its funk....people must have a job.....and have better jobs available to work towards.   we are all heading for homelessness, and barely able to feed our families  if jobs are not available

  26. A more valuable currency.  A few years ago my finance professor used to laugh at how bad the Euro was compared to the US dollar.  It's not so funny now.

  27. A congress that doesn't tax us out of existence.

  28. The value of the U.S. dollar. Because of so many things that we must now import, there price is effected by the dollar's value.

  29. Banking and the housing market, consumer spending & the unemployment rate to name a few

  30. A robust middle class. Right now people are getting squeezed by high prices, stagnant wages and the collapse of the housing market.

  31. Voting in members of Congress who rise both above party and their local constituencies for the betterment of our nation.  If we had a Congress that actually did something instead of squabble, fight, and throw away billions of dollars, it might instill confidence by investors and help make the economy stronger.  And even if it didn't, we'd still be better off.

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