
Besides paying off my credit card debt, what are some extra things that I could do to repair my credit?

by  |  earlier

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I made the biggest mistake that a college freshman could make, I got a credit card. I racked up charges, than overcharged, payed the miniums, was all just one ugly desperate cycle. I've learned my lesson luckily rather early on, but my credit rating is totally screwed up now. I'm making payments every two weeks to pay off my debts and intend to be more responsible. What are some other things I can do to increase my credit rating?




  1. Continue paying on time with more than the minimum. Try to pay until the balance is zero, then charge what you need to (should still be under 25% of your credit limit... I know yours is probably low as a freshman student card, but it'll increase over time!) and pay off ON TIME and IN FULL. This avoids that nasty interest that most credit cards love to charge.

    I've found some good information here too...

    Best of luck to you.

  2. always pay your bills on time

    buy something small that requires weekly or monthly payments like furnature or an AC unit

    pay a little extra on bills (if u have it)

  3. sign up for like 20 credit cards and the second you get them cut them up no matter what. banks like it if you can manage lots of cards meaning not  using them. it works great

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