
Besides platitudes, did any of the speakers at the Democrats' convention say anything substantial?

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Give examples of speakers, and specifically what they said.




  1. Why start now?

    Same old Democratic dogma. Same old Democratic candidate. As a candidate for change, Obama stands for the usual Democratic platform.

  2. Yes.

    They all did. You should have watched - you would have been proud to be Democrat.

  3. obama said "I am my brother's keeper"

    It's a shame that the millions of dollars in aid he would provide to his brother get held up by evil republicans forcing obama to actually campaign rather than falling down before him throwing their coats in the road to pad his walk.  This thoughtless hate causes his brother to live in utter squalor in Kenya.  Does George Bush even have a soul?

  4. You must be listening to today's noises you call Music and have gone deaf.


  5. Hillary said...No way, No how, No McCain...what else is there to say??

    We don't want republicans making this country more of a mess then they already have. What can the republicans say? We know we screwed everything up..people can't afford gas, health care, school...the economy is ****, we've waged a bogus war etc.etc, but vote for us again because Jesus would want it that way.  

  6. Bill and hillary were the only ones worth watching or listening too.. at least their speeches weren't all suck up talks just to further themselves.

    Besides they were the only ones that knew anything.. including Obama who is just allot of empty promises and words.

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