
Besides teaching, what can I do with a BS in Early Childhood Education?

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I have been teaching for 6 years and I am looking to make more money and work with adults- any suggestion?




  1. Be a director of a child care center.  This would get you out of the classroom.  You could work for Head Start, maybe be the director of that program.  Good luck.

  2. You could direct a child care company or center. You could work with the local school district and work with the grads program with the teen parents and the babies. I applied for that job where I live and they said I didn't have the right degree (you do though). It would have been over seeing the infant program and working with the teen moms in completing objective to graduate.

  3. Work in a specialized area of interest...   reading, writing or math specialist.   Work with persons w/ Learning Disabilities.

  4. do a post grad and lecture - would hit both your wants

  5. You can work a a Director of a childcare center, you could be an Assistant Professor at one of the colleges teaching child development, Headstart Head Teacher, Do the home visits for headstart program.

  6. How about something in the social worker area.  It will probably not pay much more and will involve more working hours.  I worked with the wraparound program with a bs in ECE.  It works with parents and children with behavior problems.  Jails and prisons need GED teachers.  Head trauma's and stroke patience's need teachers.  Children and Youth Departments will hire you if you can do that job.  (God bless you).

      Head Start does work with parents closely but you work more with the children than the parents as a teacher.  Family Service Workers work with the parents and not in the classroom.

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