
Besides temperature, is there something else to look for in weather when tanning outdoors?

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because sometimes the temperature could be high, but it doesn't seem like i would get a good tan. i HATE tanning outdoors, but i should since i live in miami & hate my complexion. so anything else to look for, like humidity or anything? thanks..

also, if its really hot out, but also pretty breezy, would i still get a tan? or the wind effects it?




  1. The sun would help. You can get a beautiful tan from sea winds.

  2. You can tan any day of the week, rain or shine.  Cloud cover probably has the biggest influence on tanning compared to anything else, and so humidity won't affect your tanning but most times when its humid it about to rain and so there are clouds.  If its your first time out in the sun for the season you will see a bigger change, but other than that it just takes time.  Also, tanning on the beach is faster because of the reflection off the sand.

  3. The sun rays are the strongest at noon time.  They are also the strongest on the beach since you have light reflection from both the water and the especially the sand.  If you want to help avoid getting skin cancer you are supposed to follow some basic rules.

    #1 Avoid the Sun

    #2 If not use Sunscreen

    #3 Tan before 10am and after 2pm without sunscreen.

  4. What?? I feel like I just walked right out of heaven.....If you ever love somebody, hold them close too you...close enough that you can snap their neck, then you hang yourself (dressed in you finest apparel) then you can be together forever.....

  5. The one thing you should pay the most attention to is the UV index. You can check it daily by going to this website:

  6. The wind usually takes no effect, however it would be prudent to check the UV rating for that day as well, the higher the rating the more tanned you will get.  

    And I know you probably know this already, but higher UV ratings are also more damaging to your skin and increase your risks of skin cancer more than lower ratings.

  7. watch for clouds and rain

  8. I think that just sunlight should be all you look for.

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