
Besides the Josephus quote of Manetho. What early writers mention the Hyksos?

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Or is Manetho the only known source?




  1. This  is an excellent question..i am baffeled as to why HERODOTUS has'nt writting about the HYKSOS people. But there is a perculiar period of fifty years that egytians where ruled by the ETHIOPIANS whuc where dwellers of the marshes?  (sea people)...even in moses time...huge marshes where (now dried up) where mistaken for vast seas..when moses crossed and parted the red sea...(the miracle of god) he really did cross a great how did pharos mean get drowned and caught up? the only explanation would be that moses crossed it with his followers  on partial muddy waters  which was later filling in by a flow of water due to a tide from a chief source of water thats the only way the pharo could have been caught up in the RED SEA.....Now considering that huge marshes where thought of as a sea of can be fesable that the ethiopians where the HYKSOS your fellow answerer says its a greek misinterpertation of the egyptian phrase (foreing rulers)  the only refrence that people get confused in is the phrase of(the sea people) now this could be  the large body of water in a marsh...and it goes that ethiopians  did have aroyal blod line in egypt.even before egypt became a great power mostly in the sudan.....

  2. The Greek word "hyksos" is a distortion of the Egyptian phrase "heka khasewet" ("foreign rulers"), so Egyptian writers mentioned "hyksos" (usually meaning "rulers of foreign lands" rather than "foreign-born rulers of Egypt") left and right (the Turin King List, for example, if full of such mentions).  The problem is, the term is generic and has been known to refer to the rulers of Nubia, Syria, and Canaan, to name a few...

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