
Besides using Trini what is a shorter way to call Citizens of Trinidad & Tobago?

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I was leaving it alone but that chic Hotta' make meh as the question.

Leh meh hear from all yuh...




  1. tnt boy u na no wha else fuh call dem!

  2. curious, i was thinking the same way, but it just not sounding the same! me ent know ah guess i will have to watch meh spelling when ah describing Trinbagonians from now on.

    tringonian? or tringos? let meh roll that around in my head for a while and  i will let you know if it working for me.

  3. wham Roger yuh might as well call we ching gum lol

    it doh get shorter dan Trini.... but yuh cud try TT (people cud take dat wrong doh)

    TS whey de hair gone jed ...

  4. T&Tians


    I really can't up with a great short word!  So Trinbagonians will have to suffice

  5. i think de shortest and sweetest is trini no need to find a shorter one nah

    tringo is a good one but it remind me ah somethin edible or bingo or somethin

    trinigo kinda ok but not catchy enuff for me

    trinbagonian is ok but trini is the shortest and says it best

  6. Trigo or Trinigo or Trito or Trio's or sweet sweet T&T.....

  7. Trinbagonian - simple

  8. I've heard ppl call us Trickydadians

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