
Besides voting, what do you do to help out your candidate's campaign?

by  |  earlier

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Yard signs, educate friends/family, phone banking, emails, fundraising?

Do you truly educate yourself first about the person & issues ?




  1. Give them money.

    Absolutely on the education part!

  2. Emails, and expressing my support on answers, and although I barely scrap by, I have donated small amounts to both Kucinich and Gravel.   And, yes, I do a great deal of research on the candidates and where they stand on the important issues.  *sm*

  3. Participate on his site, pass links to friends, stay aware of what he says every day via Y!Alerts, read the stats and opinions from our best journalists, and yes, have thoroughly educated myself about him and where he stands.

  4. yes, I do educate myself.

    In the past I have volunteered, phone bank, stuffing mail.

    I also have worked at the poll (but that didn't help one way or ther other) and yes, my guy won.  I haven't volunteered since hmmm was it the 70's or the 80's... let's just saw it was a while back.  I've worked since and just haven't made time for it but I still educate myself.

  5. Yes.

    Here is a good start for Obama.

    Be sure to check web sites below for the FACTS.

  6. bumper stickers and yes i do read all the literature on their websites

  7. With out a doubt educate yourself first or you might be campaigning for someone you find you don't care for or their policies. Questions are going to fly at you from all angles and you want to represent your candidate with compelling answers. This is the best way to arm yourself if you are chosen for the phone bank detail......Good Luck....Palin

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