
Bess ting yuh eat with Crix?

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Fry Aloo


Cream Cheese

Fry Tomato

Tea (Coffee)

Lipton Tea

Ah could eat de regular Crix everyday.




  1. Avocado (Zaboca) or Coconut chutney.

  2. cream cheese, butter, cheese, jam, peanut butta, pumpkin and even salt fish..

  3. Corned beef!

  4. arrrright nah i dey here ! Crix with callaloo, crix wit smoked herring crix wit "baracuda" (laad dat chile still sendin meh e-mails yes, po ting sounding lil demented now) crix and corned beef, crix and curry channa

    Soon to ah corner near yuh ah crix and cheese vendor !! yuh want pepper wit dat ?

    Dread i get flash backs wit de crix and milo.... but de crix and condensed milk ah have to try now


    LMAO @ curious! yuh not easy nah but yuh right is better yuh eat crix and cement

  5. I like mines with butter and cheese..nothing fancy.

  6. TS I thought my cousin was weird eating crix and porridge!!

    Girl my all time favourite (before cornflakes became a big hit) Crix and tea (half cup of tea & as many crix broken up is small pieces)  As a kid - my mother bought tins of crix so that was a favourite childhood pastime!!

    I agree with Crix and condense milk - yummy!!

    Other than those two - I enjoy Crix and Cheese paste, Crix and Peanut butter and jelly

    Julien had a business idea with Crix - wey him!!


    Crix with Barracuda?  Nah that ain't appetizing at all!  Ah rather try it with Wabine

  7. Plain Crix

    Crix and:

    Peanut butter and jam





    Crix does go with anything lol

  8. I remember way--- back in the day meh mudda used to take a tin of corned beef--- add-in some chopped up onions and a tiny bit of celery, then mix in some green peppers along some paprika and black pepper and mix it all up...  Man you spread that on some Crix it used to taste sooo goood...

  9. All yuh wouldn't believe how good Crix does taste with Maggi Chicken Soup. Boss! I also like Crix with bacon and eggs. Who needs bread!

  10. i does eat any ting yuh could tink of wit crix but ah real like crix in cream of wheat porridge.

  11. Cheese from Trinidad

  12. All yuh was never really hungry with belly pain, nah? Steups, after yuh play football yuh take out the mashup crix from yuh school bag. Yuh eat that, crumbs and all, and yuh drink ah good gulp from the standpipe....

    Now that is why CRIX is vital supply. All yuh with the kissmehass zaboca, and caviar....


    SC, yuh know is Crixs in soup, Crix in porage, Crix and KFC.... loooosh, wha life go be without CRIX???

  13. Cheese Spread! Boss right dey...but regular cubed cheese, sardines, peanut butter (when ah was small though) or crix on de rocks!

  14. cheese, and mint tea, or I just eat it plain.

  15. crix good for when yuh get a bad stitch an cyah move!

    serious, been there!

    a few crix does help.

    i love crix and tuna or chicken salad!!

  16. how yuh coulda forget the saltfish, sardine and tuna?..

  17. anything really it compliments almost anything -curry/stew/cheese/burger patties errrrrrr ah the list could go on and on and on

  18. Crix and condensed milk. Yummy.

    Crix in de morning, crix in de evening, crix anytime.

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