
Best, most filling breakfast food?

by Guest56763  |  earlier

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I always get really hungry a period or two before lunch. I never skip breakfast, but was wondering if there are any amazing breakfast foods that are healthy and keep you full for about 5-6 hours?




  1. Well this might sound a little odd, but meat.  In Europe a bit of meat and cheese are included in every meal.  First of all, breakfast is supposed to be large because the rest of your day depends on it.  I don't mean the traditional bacon and sausage either.  Lean ham or a piece of salmon, a bit of cheese and whole wheat toast, eggs, and berries is the perfect breakfast.  

  2. Don't do the empty carb load at breakfast.    I would vary your breakfast each day with fruit, eggs, whole grain cereals or whole wheat toast.

    Normally it's the processed flour (white flour) products that your body can quickly process into sugar that causes hunger.   Make your body work for each meal by controlling your carbs and switching to whole grain varieties.  

  3. How about a BIG stack of buttermilk pancakes with LOTS of butter and maple syrup??  Those have enough carbs and protein to keep you going for longer than 6 hours, trust me!!!


  4. eggs and oatmeal

  5. Fruit and a large portion of cereal OR omelets OR bacon, toast, eggs, hashbrowns OR oatmeal

    For unhealthy, pancakes and french toast are very filling :)

  6. protien takes longer to digest than carbs, so lots and lots of bacon would keep you full the longest... jk, but I had the same problem, so i just started packing snacks, usually a banana, and it worked better than anything else.  

  7. Porridge

  8. oat meal

    or my all time favorite... malt o meal!


  9. Haha I love it, Beer, that is funny. I would say a granola bar could fill you up the most and keep hunger away.

  10. kashi cereal with fruit,oatmeal

  11. eggs

  12. whta I always do is fold a fried egg into a soft shell tortilla with cheese melted on it. It is sooooooo yummy and keeps me satisfied until I get home from school. Also it's easy to clean up and eat on the go.

    Good luck (o:

  13. oatmeal

  14. Eggs on toast.

  15. Oatmeal!!!!

  16. Well you can always eat more then you normally do.

    Bananas, bread, peanut butter, always are filling and taste good.

    Another option is on your way to school like in the car or on the bus you can eat like a nutri-grain bar or chewy bar.

  17. Include some protein in your diet at breakfast time.  In fact, as you likely know, breakfast is considered the most important meal.  Why not include an egg in your diet....poached on whole grain toast.  Also, you might want to begin your breakfast with some hot oatmeal or a good quality cereal, preferably a good granola or muesli topped with fresh blueberries.  I find that when I have had a combination of fruit, cereal and egg and toast, I am kept full for a good part of the day.

    Bon appetit!

  18. BEER!

  19. Ferrina! Its kind of like grits. You dip your taost in it. I like to put lots of sugar in mine and add butter to the toast but im sure its very healthy with out all the stuff i add

  20. dippy eggs toast bacon and pancakes should hold you off till then...

  21. Maybe you should try eating a small snack between periods.  Eating a breakfast jump starts your metabolism, which makes you hungry faster. Bring a granola bar or a piece of fruit to school to eat.

  22. Ah ha! You are like me.  I've asked the same question (not online though) and I found out that I'm the kind that no matter what I eat, when I come to work at 7:00a after eatting Kashi cereal or Oatmeal my brain is constantly thinking what next, when, where everything about work work work and it increases my acid in my stomach which then burns off my food that I ate and I become hungry at 9:00a and then at 11:00a just before my lunch at 12:00noon!  So what I do is just bring snacks to eat for those 2 extra times I get hungry.  Or I bring from home a bowl of Chinese fried rice we made the night before for left overs and eat that about 9:00a and that thing lasts me till the top of the noon!!!  My lunch usually last till 5:00-5:30pm and I'm ready for a snack or dinner.  I also found out that on the weekends I'm not that frequently hungry in the mornings that much and it's because I'm at home relaxing, watching Foodnetwork or a show, anything that's not making my brain think hard.

  23. Anything with fiber:  whole grain cereals, oatmeal, whole grain bread or english muffins.

  24. I eat Kashi Go Lean cereal with soy milk and strawberries and blueberries every morning.  The fiber and protein in the cereal and the protein in the soy milk keep me full for about 4 hours.  

  25. Quaker Oatmeal Breakfast Squares - eating one is like eating a wad of sweetened steel wool. Very filling.

  26. Anything with fiber and protein. Oatmeal with some walnuts is great, as are scrambled egg whites with whole grain toast.

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