
Best, most positive answer possible to 'how are you?'?

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What is the most positive way you can possibly respond to 'how are you?'




  1. Fan-tab-u-lous, darling! Like champagne and strawberries for breakfast.

  2. Blessed on this fine day!  I'm looking fwd to the wonders of today.

  3. I'm feeling wonderful. Life is beautiful, isn't it? Thank you for asking. How are you?

  4. In the spoken word, the way you say it can be more important that what you say.  A low emphasis on yourself, and a high interest in the person asking sounds positive!

    So for example, "I am fine, BUT HOW ARE YOU?"

  5. orgasmic might indicate you felt more than a little bit good.

  6. Absolutly dying from drink but thanks for asking.

    only messing


  7. I am the bollocks mate

  8. Groovy, thanks.

  9. Excellent ...thankyou ...and you?

  10. Excellent!

  11. Psychotic with content!

  12. I hear people in County Limerick way 'Tearing Away!', meaning they're running around full of energy. It's a nice phrase.

  13. ............GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!

  14. 'fine'

    nah jj maybe


  15. I am doing just fine and how are you?

    Answer the question directly and succinctly and turn it back. Thus you let them know nothing is wrong and show interest in them.

  16. The same way John Lennon responded to....... "what's happening man?" His razor-sharp 'response.' : - "YOU are 'happening!'"

  17. I'm feeling good today..and I hope this finds you the same way.

  18. "peachy keen"

  19. fine .......and you?

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