
Best 5GB DVD-R for a modded(D2Pro)Wii? Thanks!?

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Give me the exact link please where to buy it!




  1. Hi Onestro,

    If you are talking the best DVD we tested a lot of DVDs for our computer business.

    The very best most reliable for burning was Verbatim with Sony coming in a close second.

    At the very bottom of the pack with the most failed burns and most errors was Memorex.

    We are in the process of life testing and after three plus years in storage the only failure to read that we have had so far is a Memorex.

    As far as +R and -R they are competing formats much like the old VHS and Beta formats in video tapes. Today most drives are Hybrid and handle both formats. They are usually labeled DVD+/-R.

    My personal experience has led me towards using the +R. It is slightly better at error handling so more tolerant of dirty or damaged media and also more tolerant to the subtle differences between players.


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