
Best Acting Advice given to you.....EVER.!!..?

by  |  earlier

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What was the best piece of acting advice given to you,like

how to get into character, performing a role, projection, body movements, how to cry, on facial expression ect..


Thank you! :)




  1. be your character, think about the background of your character.. where there from, how old they are, rich/poor, nice/bratty, etc... always be big with a character so act with a lot of expression on your face and even body. Stay in character so if you have an acsent never lose it and never laugh if your not supposed to. Hope this helps, good luck! :)

  2. The best advice I've ever head give to an actor is "Learn to accept rejection."  

    You might audition for 100 roles before you ever get one.  This doesn't mean that you aren't good it just means that you were not quite what they had in mind.  

    Good luck!

  3. performing a role

  4. "If you love it, you'll do it" in regards to not getting a lead role

  5. how to get into character:

    -think of yourself being in the character's shoes

    -watch other people do it in different productions

    -be your character for a hour or so


    - dont focus on the audience

    -have fun

    -interact with the other character ( react to what they say)


    - Dont scream or strain your voice

    -be clear

    Body movements:

    - dont be stiff

    - react to what a character say ( move around)

    How to cry:

    -focus on a sad moment

    -if you have trouble with this, but visine in your eyes or something that will make you cry

    Not the best  advice but the best I could do

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