
Best Advice Ever Recieved with Horses?

by Guest45507  |  earlier

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- Riding without stirrups can fix anything.

- How good you are is not measured by how high you jump

- Going back to basics is never a bad thing

- Breath. Be Calm. Riding really is fun.




  1. Riding bareback improves balance

    Don't look down at a jump otherwise you'll be down there too

    You can't physically win against an 1000 lb. animal, it will be a tie, or you'll get a lesson.

    Pedigree isn't everything

    Ponies and children have the same dispostions, watch out for them together.

    The horse will show what 1000 lbs of GET UP AND GO really will do when there is a lion in them thar woods

    Respect the horse

    Teach it mannors at a young age

    ALWAYS end the day on a positive note

  2. lol at 1crossmares answer!

    That is sooo true...

    If there is 1 nail poking out somewhere in the stall, you can be guaranteed that your horse will find it and impale himself on it.

    My best piece of advice was:

    Throw your heart over and your horse will follow. (pertaining to jumping).

  3. Never buy one. Always lease.

    Oh my, 9 thumbs down.

  4. let your horse pick what bit it likes

    if you are not comfortable in the saddle,your horse is not comfortable under it

    if your horse is misbehaving you need to ask yourself what you are doing wrong

    dont spoil your horse if you want it to respect  you

    you cant be the lead horse if you are always chasing your horses tail

    you cant teach a horse respect untill you learn how to give it

    and my favorite

    dont ride a winking mare in a pasture full of stallions

  5. BREATHE! lol i almost passed out because i forgot to breathe when i started taking jumping lessons

    and of course "don't fear a  horse, respect it's size"

  6. My grandmother who had horses her entire life and used them for everything from working the farm to driving told me once when I was a very young girl:

    They may be pretty

    They may be smart

    You may think you know them

    But don't you ever trust one or you will get hurt.

    I never forgot that.

    The other one is that a horse is only as good at its rider.

  7. Breath when your riding and don't close your eyes for even a second, a lot can happen in a second(those scary leaves on them trees might eat you!)!

  8. Here's a couple...

    "Stop lookin' at that horses ears, there not going anywhere!" --My dad.

    "your horse is only as good as you are" -- Dad

    My dad taught me everything I know about horses...

  9. I don't know if this is the "best" advice I have ever got, but it is the most poignant and true:

    Horses are born trying to commit suicide.

    If they can find a way to hurt themselves, they will.

  10. Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes where the ground touches the sky.

    Keep a leg on each side and your mind in the middle.

    When you ride 'em you gotta spur them three ways, long, hard and constant.(Old saddle bronc rider advice, some my know him as Larry Mayhan).

  11. Falling really does make u a real rider.

    Because, no matetr wat, if u love horses u will get bak right on and keep loving that horse.

  12. stop that your fine (from my friend/ teacher on dealing with a bucking horse)

  13. Use 'kitten hands'...pretend you are holding a little kitten in your hands when they are on the grandfather

    "Get up and catch your horse and get back on"...grandfather

    "If I catch you grabbing that horn again, I'm taking your saddle away."...grandfather [taught balance]

    My grandfather was a 'real' cowboy and rancher...he introduced me to riding when I was 4...God, I miss him!!

  14. getting through hard times makes you a thousand times better.

    horses will teach you, not the other way around.

    letting go is something to learn first, and never forget.

    you don't always need to be working for something.

    the price of your horse does not equate the ability of your horse.

    the price of your stuff does not equate to you riding ability.

    money cannot buy riding ability (but it can help)

    never harshly critique someone until you've ridden their horse.

    never judge someone until you've ridden their horse.

    work is fulfilling.

    i probably have more...

    EDIT: came up with more..

    if you think your horse is being bad, fix yourself

    if youre having a bad ride, fix yourself.

    if you want to blame your horse, blame yourself.

  15. Keep your head together and everything will be fine.

    Anticipating your horse taking off with you is worse than your horse actually taking off with you.

    ALWAYS get back on.

    Have fun.

    HOLD ON! : )

  16. With horses whatever can happen will happen and you must prepare for the worst.....

  17. You can't out-muscle them so you'd better learn to out-smart them.

  18. When it comes to training, the long way is the short way!

  19. Don't fall off, it hurts a lot!  - Dad.

  20. When I was like 22 or so I was bound and determined to get this mare to knuckle under.  The first half hour I always had to be on my toes, she would shy, crow hop, stop and lock up, etc. (at times, I swore she liked the spurs) and once she remembered I was the boss she was good for the rest of the day.  And what a looker she was!  Power steering galore!  Anyhow, some friends of mine and I went on a fund raising trail ride, and Psycho Cheyenne was pulling her c**p and I was doing a good job keeping her in line and I will never forget old man riding a mammoth jack wearing an old straw hat that looked like it had been ran over a few times, the 1940's style tack, arthritic hands, sun worn face, and bright blue eyes came up next to me and said "You got your seat with ya, girl, but why ride the bad ones when there are a lot of good ones out there?" I will never forget that.

  21. Don't let go of the reins when you fall of because it can be a REALLY long walk home

  22. Make them respect your space.

  23. Don't forget to breathe ( lol I always used to hold my breath jumping and finish gasping !)

    If you fall off - get right back on

    never lose your temper or you lose the fight

    the harshest bit is only as harsh as the hands behind it

    Don't ever forget - it's supposed to be FUN

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