
Best All-Around Breed?

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I know it's sort of hard to say "this is the best horse breed", I'm just curious as to what breed (or breeds) you think are the best learners, the best tempered, and most versatile (ie can be trained in multiple disciplines of Western and English at once).




  1. Quarter Horse,I have a five year old gelding that goes english and western. My first horse was quarter.

  2. Quarter Horse or even a Running Quarter...

  3. A Quarter Horse.

  4. mustangs - trustworthy, agile, and good at everything

  5. probably QHs... but i don't like them... they're just too common

  6. I say a mustang. they are very smart.

    if you cant get a mustang, go for a quarter horse.

  7. The TB of course! They are fun fast smart and not all of them are speedy! in english they look good and in western I say the best breed it the TB

  8. It really depends on what country you live in.

    In England, for example, we don't have Quarter horses (well not many, unless imported ), and in the U.S.A, they would not have too many of our native breeds. ( New forest, Fell. Dales, Dartmoor, Exmoor etc. )

    I am really a bit of a Thoroughbred nut, so I like and think that a T/Bred x Native pony is a good choice.

  9. The Quarter Horse is probably the best but they are too common and if you get one older than 12 years old you will probably end up getting a plug. Crosses are probably better....My favorite breed is the anglo-arab they arent as temperamental as just reg thoroughbreds but they are tall and athletic and love working. Appendix are good horses but some of them look a little unrefined I think, as long as they are healthy though they make good rides and good partners.

  10. i think it's the quarter horse (WOOT WOOT!) yeah, they look great in western and perform amazing too, and same with english disciplines. America's horse

  11. my favorit breed is mustang, but i also like em a little wild, makes things interesting instead of the usual,

    but it sounds like a QH is good for u, ithink just about everyone learnes with one

  12. In my opinion, the Arabian is the most versatile breed. You see them in every discipline of riding - even at the high levels. Some people say QH, but in my opinion.. Arabians have the speed of a QH, yet the endurance of a Throughbred which makes them great at everything. My reason for not picking a QH is the fact that they (as a majority) are built down-hill, making it harder for them to do higher-level english riding (Not saying they CAN'T do it, just harder on them). Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with western riding, so I can't give you that opinion =P Sorry

  13. I'd have to say the Highland Pony! *waves HiPo flag like a maniac*

    My 14.2h Highland has (in his fitter youth) jumped up to 3'9, had a go at dressage - and beat the prancy warmbloods, done many many days of hunting (he's done full days with a 6ft2 man of 15stone), he's been broken to drive, he's tried le trec, reached high levels of showing (breed classes), taken my elderly grandmother for a hair-raising gallop and my young niece to Pony Club camp, and has a sense of humour unlike any other equine I've met in 30 years of riding.  He'll give anything a go given the chance, and is truly a versatile pony in a million.

  14. I can think of Arabians and Quarter Horses.

    You may be shocked when i say arabian, but they can do anything from western to english, reining to jumping, and speed classes. They really can do it all, but they can be high tempered, but so can any other horse. My quarter horse can be crazier than my sisters arabian. Also, my sister did a versatility class at county fair with her arabian, they did pretty good.

  15. I would say the Quarter Horse, The Paint, and a Welsh Cob Section D. In my Opinion the Welsh Cob has a better "I want to Please" attitude but the QH and Paint has one too. Welsh Cobs are pretty curious in nature and has more will to want to figure out what this or that means and what you want from them. Quarter Horses are next in line with this and then the Paint. All very good horses although I believe ay horse can do anything and not just stick to one discipline like a Clydesdale could be used for roping if you felt like it and a Friesian could be used for Barrel Racing if you so choose. I myself have crossbreeds and they perform and want to please better than any pure breed I have had. I hope this helps.

  16. Quarter horses. They have the perfect build for any discipline. Racing, dressage, jumping, barrel racing, cutting, etc. They are usually very gentle and learn quick. Paints are very similiar to Quarter horses, but they are usually a bit slower when racing and of course the coat is different. Plus QHs typically range in size from 14.2 - 16.2 hands (though they can be up to 17.3), which is great for any discipline. There's even a Quarter pony, which is a QH but under 14.2. There's a reason why the QH is the most popular breed in America. There are more AQHA registered horses than ANY other breed registration.

    ***ETA***The QH is also the fastest breed. Many people will argue that the TB or Arabian is fastest, but they really aren't. Sure, maybe over a mile they are. But a QH can run a faster than any other breed, if only for a 1/4 mile. And if your going to argue with me, think of this: we don't say 1 human runner is faster than the other because runner A is a sprinter and ran a mile in 5:00 and runner B is a long distance runner and got a 4:30 mile. The sprinter would still be faster. Lets put it in MPH. Arabian info could not be found. Arabians run longer distances than TBs but at much slower paces. The fastest TB was Secretariat. His fastest recorded speed was about 50 MPH, I heard. However, Secretariat's heart was aproximately 2 1/2 times the size of an average TB's heart. Most TBs run about 38 MPH. The fastest QH ran over 55 MPH.

  17. A QH sounds like the best breed for you. They generally are level headed and versatile. If you're looking for something a little more accepted in the English world, try an Appendix (TB/QH cross)

  18. in my opinion, the quarterhorse

    i see it as the perfect horse for beginers who want to keep, train, breed,  or ride.

    they are good tempered, learn fast, and can be trained to do many thing from barrel races, to rodeos, to trials

  19. STANDARDBRED!! They are level headed, intelligent, athletic, quick learners. Come from DWB builds to Arab builds. And much more!

  20. Gaited horses fit the bill.  They trail ride, jump, run barrels and poles, chase down runaway thoroughbreds at the track, have great temperaments, learn quickly and have a smooth gait that is wonderful for all riders, even those with back problems!

    There is a TWH at our local rodeo who wins the pole bending every time he's entered.  He usually places 2nd or 3rd in the barrel racing, too.

    A great friend of mine used to be an outrider at the track and used a TWH to catch runaway thoroughbreds.

    A lady I met uses her TWH for fox hunting...although I don't think she she actually fox hunts, she just runs the course.

    Another good friend of mine has a TWH cross of some kind who likes to jump.

    My vote goes for the gaited horse!

  21. Probably a mustang pound for pound.

  22. This is a hard one, because i'm english and never even come across a quarter horse, i can't possibly comment on the breed which everyone is suggesting.

    A Throroughbred, would be my first thought, as the breed is seen all over the world in racing, three day eventing etc. However from experiance i know that the breed can be a bit high strung, however i own a thoroughbred who wouldn't even think about spooking, but i do believe they are fast learners.

    Although, the thoroughbred is a sleek and athletic horse, they don't always have the best tempraments to work with, so a horse is needed with the athletism of a thoroughbred, but a calmer deposition. So my resultant choice would be an Irish sports horse. This breed comes from a throughbred bred with an Irish Draft. The Irish Sport Horse receives the sense and honesty of the Irish Draught and the athleticism, speed, and endurance of the Thoroughbred. It has an excellent temperament, being calm, yet lively when needed, and is very tough, a number one favourite in the police forces.

    The Irish Sports horse is an all purpose horse, used for riding, transportation, and even working tthe land (farming) so is a good driving horse. However the breed is inceasing popular in the eventing world, as they have big scopey jumps, so they excel in showjumping and cross-country, and are globally renowned for being one of the best fox hunting mounts, so makes them a perfect three day event horse. Although the horse is more popular in europe, so therefore is mainly used in english disaplines, i am sure that this superb horse would be capable of showing athletism in western eventing.

  23. Well, I don't normally judge by breed, but since you asked, in my experience, I've found QH's to be all around, good learners. They are very patient and understanding, and can do anything from barrel racing to eventing.

  24. I believe the Quarter Horse is the best all around breed. They are very versatile and level headed.

  25. Morgans are renown for their versatility, their wonderful temperament, and their intelligence.  They are curious, friendly and people-lovers.  They pick up ideas easily and are eager to please.  They excel in Western, English, trail and harness (my own Morgan was a double champion in Western pleasure and fine harness, which gives you an idea of the breed's versatility).  They are also used for dressage, endurance riding, and jumping.  When you speak about the top all-around horse, you've just got to say "Morgan" in the same breath.

  26. I'd suggest a QH mix, like a QH/Arabian or a TB/QH. My experience with these breeds is they maintain the disposition and brains of a Qh but have the more 'refined' appearance of the other breeds. A close friend-of-the-family's has had several Quarabs (50/50 mix from two great parents) who have shown and placed in both Barrel Racing AND Show Jumping, within a season! They were great horses.

    You might want to look into these sort of horses. Good luck!

  27. tennesssee walking horses, horse illustrated did an article and shows they can do anything, plus i own to and i do everything from showing to piling up sticks and making jumps they cna do whatever!!!

  28. Arabians are great all around horses.

    They race, they do dressage, some go hunter, many do endurance racing, they can work cattle, they can be taught to drive.

    In basically every discipline, you can find an Arabian that has excelled.

    My only caveat, is not against the horse, but the disciplines. English is a very upright style of riding. The horse carries it's head up. In western pleasure, the nose looks like it's down in the dirt. Those are two polar opposites. I don't know how a horse would be trained to do that.

  29. 100% the Quarter Horse.

    If you get a well natured Quarter Horse you are set :)

    Arabian CROSSES do well too. Pure Arabs are a little to hot tempered in most occasions but you can cross them with nearly any breed and make an excellent horse xD

    Mustangs are also VERY quick learners when they have thr right handler...I have seen wild mustnags being trained to be amazing horses (though more in the western discipline I have only seen like one Mustand jumper)

    But, OVERALL Quarter Horse is #1 ^^

  30. Arabian and Andalusion.   The arabian is VERY intelligent, agile and very loyal. They are hot blooded and super fast, they say the Arabian is the fastest horse in the world also, where do you think they got the thoroughbred?! Any way the Athek Alh (I can't spell it) was the fastest horse but is now extinct =( They were relatives to the arabian, excelent horses!In earlier ages they used to keep their prized mares (arabians) in their tent with them when they slept and with the children, the arabian had to be a loyal and trustworthy horse to do this....proven fact!  They are excelent jumpers and racers, willing to work with you and please if given respect, they don't put up with poor handling or abuse. They compete in all sports, can go for long distances without brake or water. Great traveling and flashy horses, BEAUTIFUL HORSES!!!  They are my fav. My friend owns a black arabian Stallion, he is like my fav. besides mine. The Arabian Is The Best All Around Breed! My opinion.
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