
Best Answer gets 10 points. A trailer is moving at 70mph on the interstate, is it possible to

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drive and park on top of it? If yes explain how and if no explain.




  1. I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but yes it is possible.  A vehicle would simply need to be traveling faster than the trailer and line up perfectly.  As soon as it hits the trailer, it will seem to accelerate due to the fact that it is moving faster.  Once you are positioned on the trailer, jam on the brakes and there you go!

    They did this on an episode of "Fear Factor" as the last challenge, I think.

  2. yes. you just have to go faster than the trailor, and have a ramp down on the back for beable to jump, like on a motorcycle

  3. if you've seen some stunt shows then you know that someone has done that, you have to approach the trailer at a speed slightly faster than the trailer and then slowly go up the ramp and be ready to stop at the end.

  4. Yes it is possible they did it on Myth Busters check it out

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