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what are the major factors that

determine how soil develops ?




  1. 1. Parent material

    2. Climate

    3. Topography or landscape position

    4. Biological factors

    5. Time

  2. Determine the relative performance of commercially-available varieties of cotton when grown in replicated experiments under Oklahoma environmental conditions and make that information available to cotton producers. Study genotype by environment interactions relative to the major factors of cotton production in the state and region. Secondary objectives are to determine which cotton varieties would be more useful as parents in crosses and to provide information to cotton research and extension personnel. Provide data to cotton breeders which would help them release varieties better adapted to Oklahoma. (0714)

    Sponsor: Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station

  3. Soil is considered a product of chemical transformations of rocks,a dead substrate from which plants derive nutritious elements. Science considers soil to be a natural body having its own genesis and its own history of development, a body with complex and multiform processes taking place within it.  The  substrate becomes soil under the influence of a series of soil-formation factors (climate, vegetation, country, relief and age).  soil could be called the "daily" or outward horizons of rocks regardless of the type; that are changed naturally by the common effect of water, air and various kinds of living and dead organisms.

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