
Best Archaeology School?

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Top 5 schools?




  1. The University of Florida, has an amazing archaeology school.

  2. There's no such thing as a "best" school for archaeology. As an undergraduate, it really doesn't matter. You won't likely be doing anything with archaeology at more than a superficial level. As a graduate, the best school depends on your specialty. Really, you should be looking more for specific faculty than at programs. If the school you're looking at doesn't have faculty to support your particular interest you're dead in the water.

  3. Texas at Austin has a great school.  Arizona State University has a great school.  Other than that, i have no idea.  but im enrolled at Arizona State and we have some of the smartest professors in the country.  Other people I know in archaeology programs around the nation read books by my professors.  so i reccomend it.

  4. depends on what type of archeaology you whant to do. for mesoamerican, and the southwest, basic courses ba, go for arizona, and strangely enough university of pensylvania. for midwest archeaology, try ohio state in columbus, and ilinois state champagne/urbana. for museum studies, your best bet is to go to michigan or wissconsin, or boston. however if you are more serious (MA) berkely is great as well as all thoose previously listed. as far as private schools, most only deal with classical societies( greek roman mediteranian egyptian)those the best is harvard another good one is the university of evansville. the university of minesotta is pretty good as well. however most searchin in the united states for archeaology is actualy a sub field under anthropology, so if the school has that, they may have a program for you as well. any school you take for archeaology is fine, but the best thing is field exerience ( field schools or volunteering at sites like cahokia, etc. and they are availiable to anyone for a price or volunteer, it still counts. just check out shovelbums on yahoo here for a huge list of fieldschools here and abroad. just make sure you like to get dirty. and be hard pressed monetarily before you enroll.

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