
Best Australian in recent memory Rafter or Hewitt?

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Both won 2 slams, hewitt has many more titles to his name and 80 weeks at world no 1 compared to just 1 week for rafter Hewitt also won 2 masters cups and can come back in 2 a match after losing 1st set or 1st 2 sets. Rafter on the other hand won just 10 titles and was injured throughout his career.




  1. I say Rafter is. He may have won fewer titles than Hewitt but Rafter made more of an impact in a shorter time. Just look at the 1998 summer hard-court season. How many people could beat Sampras twice in a month... coming back from a set down both times. His wonderful serve-and-volley game was a treat to watch too. If only he'd reached his peak at a younger age. He could have been a real contender for many slams.  Two majors, only 10 titles in all, but SO much better than the history books will record.

  2. I would say Rafter, but it's a subjective answer.  I never did like Lleyton Hewitt.

  3. rafter, without question...more slams

  4. hewitt

  5. HEWITT ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Rafter has two singles slams and one doubles slam the Oz open Rafter was a better and more exciting player he was able to beat the best player ever on occasion something hewitt hasn't been able to do. Besides Hewitt is a mean arrogant A- hole.

  7. Hewitt.  But Rafter is better looking.  :-)

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