
Best BBQ in Kansas City near the Baseball Stadium?

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My two boys are traveling to Kansas City to see their Uncle. He is taking them from Topeka to Kansas City to see a Baseball game. They both really love BBQ and we heard Kansas City BBQ is some of the best in this world. Can you guys recommend a great BBQ place that is relativly near the stadium. I'd hate for them to get lost. I would also love to buy them a gift certifacate to pay for their dinner so if that is possible great if not no problem. I just want them to enjoy some of that great Kansas City BBQ. Thanks a million Jeff Brennan




  1. Jeff, If they are worried about getting lost. Gates is at the stadium.  Its one of the best in town.  Arthur Bryants is on the way to the stadium at I-70 east and Brooklyn exit just on the east side of downtown.  17th and Brooklyn. Tradional KC sloppy bbq.  If they want to sit down in a nice place it's gotta be Jack Stack at the Freighthouse which is at 22nd and Wyndotte in downtown KC not far off the highway to the south.

    Jack Stack is a little costly but the atmosphere and food are worth the price.  It's where alot of ballplayers and music stars have eaten and the food is rated as one of the best in the nation.  Jack Stack has a great web site that offers gift certificates and shipping and all kinds of other stuff.   Go Royals

  2. gates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Fiorella's Jack Stack is at 135th & Holmes in Kansas City, Missouri, generally close to the stadium

  4. There is either a Jack Stack or Gates at the stadium. They are both awesome, and they would be your best bet. Hvae fun!

  5. Gates BBQ

  6. Gates BBQ 35th and Main

  7. Arthur Bryant's on Brooklyn.  It's not extremely close, but it's right on your way.  I've done this before a game before, it works out really well.  Calvin Trillin of the New York Times is from KC, he called Arthur Bryant's the best restaurant in the world.  

    Be warned:  this is true KC barbecue, nothing like KC Masterpiece.  It is NOT SWEET, but it's the BBQ that made the city famous.  Here's a map.

    PS, don't go to the newer locations at tourist attractions, I haven't been but their reputations are not good.

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