
Best Beginners Instruction Book on Drumming ?

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Hi! I was wondering if anyone could make some suggestions for some of the best beginners instruction books for drumming. There's so many drum books out there that I'm having difficultly picking out some.

Any suggestions would be great.





  1. You want to look for drum books that teach you the basics first like the Drum Rudiments. Look for books that teach you those first... good drum book I remember I used to have was called "Syncopation" by Ted Reed. It was big blue and white book.  It costs like $5 to $10 and you can find it at most music stores.  It's a good beginners book on drumming. Ted Reed also wrote a bunch of other good beginner drum books too. Those are the type of beginner books you want to start with to learn the drumming basics like  :

    These are your your real basic Drum Rudiments to learn when first learning drumming.

    1.   5, 7, 10 & 15 Stroke rolls

    2.   Flams

    3.   Buzz rolls

    4.   Paradiddles

    5.   Double paradiddles

    6.   Drag flams

    Hope this helps...have fun drumming

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