
Best Body Building supplement/Powder?

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I am trying to bulk up ASAP! lol.... I am 6 foot 4 (194 cm's) about 97 kg's.

And I am shopping around (ofcourse) for the most effecetive and quickest protien ANYTHING out there and was looking if anyone on here who knows what they are talking about have any suggestions,

I've tried a few before so please dont say "all i've used is this and i think it's good" unless it worked straight away. hehe thanks.

also if anyone know's where I can bulk buy Protien bars for CRAZZY cheap prices I would also appreciate the help, I live in Brissy Australia and I do use Ebay Etc.

Thanks for reading I hope someone can help. =)




  1. -creatine monohydrate

    -whey protein

    -beta alanine

    don't waste your time or money on nitric oxide supps.  they're all bogus

  2. oh good an aussie dude hey

    Aus has the best supps that are done by body science!

    Serious body science is so far ahead of the rest.  im a gold coaster mate, a personal trainer and i know a fair few of the guys who originally made/still make body science products.

    Get on the whey protein, body science has post workout supps (protein+carbs) u can use, or u can just use a protein supp (only protein) and add your own carbs.  But body science is so much better than the majority of products!  Its a mid range price, and highest quality by a long shot.  

    If you want more than protein they sell branch chain amminos that you drink while working out, fat metabolisers (controversial yes, works on some people, not on others.) Creatine products, havent used them before but i hear good things about it, i know how i works, and if used correctly would help you alot!  Nitro vol, No3 (products with similar names to Nitrogen oxide) designed to give you that pumped up look.

    But summing up body science is fantastic, and for an aussie it should be easy to find.  Sometimes their products will taste like c**p, but they work very well, and are of much higher quality than most products.

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