
Best Book Series, Twilight, Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Wheel of Time, Eragon, or any others ?

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I am taking a poll or asking about peoples favorite series. You can pick one of the above or tell me a different one. The series should be for ages 10 to 20.

The main point of this is I am trying to prove a point about twilight and

Wheel of Time, which is better.




  1. Twlight or Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

  2. You totally forgot the best series! Lord of the Rings!!! Tolkien was the master of fantasy.

  3. i like HP. It rocks, nice storyline and plots. i also like eragon

  4. Out of that age group, Harry Potter.  Better written, more real-feeling characters, more complex and engaging story, a more immersive world... I haven't read Wheel of Time, but it definitely beats out Eragon, Twilight, and Artemis Fowl (though I enjoyed all of those series as well).

  5. twilight and HP, you cant compare them, not cos 1 is better, but because they are so different.

  6. Harry Potter Series!! <3

    *Twilight was awful I returned Breaking Dawn for my money back*

  7. The original Oz series by L. Frank Baum.  There are 14, beginning with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.  THere are nearly 40 in the whole series, but only 14 by the original author.

    P.S. I like Twilight better than Harry Potter (don't hit me!)

  8. i like the fearless series, and from above: AF(1), E(2), and WoT(3)

  9. Twilight and Harry Potter~

  10. Peter and the Starcatchers

    Gemma Doyle trilogy (Great and terrible beauty, Rebel angels, The Sweet Far Thing)

    Twilight is one of the worst books i've ever read.

    Artemis Fowl was alright.

    Harry Potter was extremely boring - it's just a regular kids life with magic. The boy rode the train to the school. The MAGICAL boy rode the MAGICAL train to the MAGICAL school. Bleh!

    Never read Wheel of Time. I'll try to read it soon

  11. everything up there besides twilight.

  12. I love them all for different reasons but i think twilight is my favourite. Also don't forget alison croggon's series including the gift, the riddle and the crow. Also i love the guardians of time series!!!

    I agree with the 1st person too. I've just finished reading pretties by scott westerfeld. its amazing!!!

  13. For ages 10 to 20, Harry Potter.  Up that minimum age a bit, however, and I would say the Future histories collection by Robert Heinlein.  Or the Wheel of Time.

  14. HP and Artemis Fowl. Hands down. Twilight shouldn't even be on this list.

  15. wheel of time of the choices you put out. But I would say the sword of truth series by Terry Goodkind is better by far. It is for more mature readers though. I would say you should be at least 13.

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