
Best Buy Premier Black membership via email?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone have information concerning this offer?

We’d like to welcome you to the Best Buy® Reward Zone® program at our most elite membership level - Premier Black.

Premier Black is a pilot in select areas that rewards our best customers for shopping at Best Buy stores.

I got it via email stating that my account was "upgraded" for some reason, and the promo code link in the email apparently doesn't work just yet. I don't see anything on google--it must be brand new. If someone could post information concerning this program and what costs/restrictions might be involved, it would help a lot. TIA




  1. This was a mailing list error sent to a lot of Reward Zone members. It should have been sent to people that have spent $5000 or more. They will apparently be sending another email soon clarifying your actual membership level.

  2. Congratulations you spent more than $5000 at Best Buy in the last 12 months.

    Aside from bonus points and whatnot, the kicker to this program appears to be a concierge service. Other benefits include free shipping from, a 45-day return policy, point-banking and a premier-only awards catalog, and special Geek Squad services.

    The site is not active yet and should be tomorrow.  

  3. 3456

  4. i just got the same email.

    the promo code doesnt work yet either but in a couple of days it should start too work

  5. yes

  6. Being a member of Premier Silver (min $2500 spent per year at Best Buy [or $2500 spent on their credit card]), I believe that this Premier Black is a new level which has not completely unfolded yet. The email I received claims that it is the most elite level of membership--however all links give no reference to Premier Black--and my Reward Zone account (after logging in) still shows me as Premier Silver.

    Most of you who clearly spent less than $2500 in the last 12 months probably received this email by mistake. According to many websites (do a google search) and you will see the unusual number of people receiving the Premier Black email.

  7. I found some information when I searched the web cruchgear forum says it was a mistake and BestBuy sent the email to ALL rewards customers by mistake.

    There apparently is a premier black level but you need to spend $5000 per year to qualify.

    Silver level is $2500 in purchases per year.

  8. yes, it is quite ridiculous! I just received mine an hour ago!

  9. well if you recieved the email then you recieved it.  I wouldn't give out any information to them though as for all you know it could be a phishing scam.  Also they would already know it anyway since you are a rewards member.

  10. Hey, I just got this in email today. It is not a scam, it is a level that best buy is trying out...which is actually pretty well worth it. (That's why you haven't found much on the internet.) As you know your status goes up with how much you spend.. for example..if you spend like 2500 dollars within a certain amount of time then you get platinum status. Same goes for this status of BLACK. From the sound of the offer...not much really changes although the banking of points sure does help if you are aiming to get that $50 or $100 dollar gift certificate. The concierge really isn't that great, only because you can ask almost anyone in a best buy store the same question and get the same answer. I guess if your points hungry like me, then this is a great status. Hope that helps.  

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