
Best Buy drug-test? Time till they call me?

by  |  earlier

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so today i had 3 interviews at best buy and i got hired. i just needed to take a drug-test..which i did. and best buy said they would call me back once they got the test results.

do you guys know how long it will take for them to call me back?

i know im clean since i have never done drugs before.





  1. It takes at least 3 days for them to get the results back. They usually send them off to a private lab and since today is Thursday...the lab will probably not receive it until Friday. So Best Buy will probably not have results until early next week.

  2. it usually takes a week or two because they are going to call you with your oritation date. so they are waiting for all the new hires results to come in.

  3. Congratulations Kinetik! Shouldn't take long. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes.

  4. anywhere form one day to one week.

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