
Best Buy orientation question

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I have a Best Buy orientation tomorrow and was wondering the type of things I will be doing. At the end of my last interview the GM said it was going to be hard and quite intense. So I was just wondering if someone who works there could share their experiences...Oh, and what should I wear considering I don't have my uniform yet?




  1. First, they take you on a tour of the store where you will be working.  Remember this because they will give you an empty layout of the store and you have to fill in where the departments are located.  If you mess up they will force you to be the greeter and clean the toilets.

    Secondly, they will force you to pick a specialty department.  Electronics?  Music?  Which will you choose?  Well its an easy choice, because the manager tells you where you are working - as greeter and in the toilet cleaning department.

    Thirdly and final, you have to do a team building exercise.  Like making a social circle and having to remembers each others names and something interesting about everyone.  Usually the person with the least interesting thing about them or messes up the team the most - you guessed it - has to be the greeter and clean those toilets.

    We managers like our toilets cleaned hourly and our customers usually take huge dumps.

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