
Best Cheap IFR ratd GPS?

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I am a member of a flying club and we are looking at upgrading our planes. We are wanting a GPS that is IFR rated but also does not cost a ton. Two we have been looking at are the Garmin 155XL TSO and 300XL TSO.

Does anyone know anything of either of these, or any other good IFR rated GPS?




  1. The G155XL is a fine unit. I have some limited experience with the King KLN94 which is color and fairly reasonable in price. The one I used seemed  fairly intuitive and a good value for the money. You might want to check them out as a possible alternative.

  2. Hey there. Honestly, I really like the 155XL TSO for the money. Both of your choices are right on however - in terms of a panel mounted IFR GPS. When you sit down and actually consider the differences between the 300 and the 155, the functionality between the two units is marginal. In terms of price however, it seems like nothing in aviation is cheep anymore. I just wish they would come out with a portable unit that is IFR certified. The 496 is the closest one I have found.

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