
Best College (D-1) Football Rivalry?

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What are the best D-1 rivalries? Thanks!!

Texas vs. Oklahoma has always been a good one to watch!




  1. Either

    Texas vs. Oklahoma


    Michigan vs. Ohio State

  2. Dawgs & Gators!! Go Dawgs!!!

  3. texas oklahoma all the way


  4. Michigan - Ohio State

    Norte Dame- Usc

    GO BIG TEN!!

  5. NC State vs. NC

    NC vs. Duke

    Michigan vs. Ohio State

  6. Michigan vs Ohio State PERIOD

  7. Miami Vs. Florida State

    Gators Vs. Florida State

    Michigan Vs. Ohio State

  8. Notre Dame & USC

    USC & UCLA

    Texas & OU

    Ohio st. & Michigan

  9. Gummy Bears vs Sour Patch Kids

    M&M's vs Skittles

  10. LSU vs. Auburn

    Michigan vs. Ohio State

  11. USC-UCLA

    Texas- Oklahoma


    Florida State-Miami

    Ohio State-Michigan


    Kanss Mizzou

  12. Notre Dame vs. USC  

  13. I have to say Michigan-Ohio State is the best/most intense.  So much history between those two schools, and the fans are absolutely nuts.  Is there any other rivalry which sparks riots every single year?

  14. OSU and Michigan

    Auburn and Alabama

    USC and UCLA

  15. TX v OU is the best. They meet halfway between the two schools in a happening town and split the stadium in half- half maroon/ half orange. We hate each other but respect one another and know that losing to the other may mean our shot at playing for the title. The night before the game is big drinking fest it is a good time.

    OSU v UM is pretty intense- pretty one sided as of late. Haven't experienced if personally but it seems like it'd be pretty good. What it lacks vs TX OU is that the visiting team is way outnumbered fanwise instead of it being pretty equal number of fans.

    TX v OU also has the TX state fair with awesome corn dogs.

    The SEC also has some great rivalries. I mean some good ones- AUB/ bama, UGA/UF, etc.

    This is what makes college ball better. The Cowboys and Redskins/ Steelers/ Browns don't hate each other this much and don't have so much pride in beating the snot out of the other team.

    Hook em

  16. my favorite is USC-UCLA......

  17. Ohio State vs Michigan has been intense for the last 40 years.

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