
Best Country to be a Foreign Exchange in?

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I think I've decided that I want to do foreign exchange for a semester of my junior year. The only problem is that I can't decide where I want to go. Here are some that I'm considering:






It's not limited to those countries, but those are just a few that I've been considering...

I have 2 years of Spanish, but I'm not really sure I want to go to Spain. I know most require Spanish for Italy, so Italy is a possibility.

I'm only going to be there for a semester so I'm not sure if a country with a completey different language (other than english or spanish) would be good...not sure.

So please share experiences, and what countries are the best. Thank you!!!




  1. SWEDEN!!! there's lots to do and not very much homework. nice people, good schools, safe communities, lots of music and sports. great country.

  2. I'm going on exchange my whole junior year in 2009! I can't wait. I'm not sure what country I'm going to yet, its either going to be France, Belgium, Norway, New Zealand, Greece, or Germany.

    Which program are you going with?

    Oh, I was thinking of going with Rotary, but they don't email me back or anything, so now I'm going with AFS. They seem great.

    If you are only going for a semester then yes, the language will be hard and you won't become fluent in it. I would personally recommend going for a year if you can.

  3. Italy would be good since Italian is very similar to Spanish so it might be easier for you to learn than learning one of the other languages for the countries you have listed. Some countries such as Denmark may allow you to study in English. You should check that as well. Look at other factors such as housing, classes you may take, the countries themselves, etc. Everything factors in to it being a good experience.

  4. I agree with those who say to take an entire year -- especially if you are going to a place with a different language! And, you should! One of the biggest benefits to an exchange is language immersion! It will pay off big time in your career, especially if you keep it up in college.

    Most organizations are not going to let you pick the country anyway -- usually they ask for your top three choices and then they will pick.

    As to going with Rotary -- great decision! However, to use a cliche, don't put all your eggs in one basket! Rotary is very competitive because of the relatively low cost so you might wish to apply to some other programs as well. Just make sure they are CSIET listed ( AFS, Aspect, and YFU would all be good choices.

    Stay away from those who offer "cheap" programs and also the "beautiful spain" thing that claims to be part of YFU -- it is not.

    Good luck!

  5. Sweetheart, they speak Italian in Italy...

    but spanish helps (it is similar, but definitly different)

    Any country would be a good experience. In HS I studied in Portugal and loved it (my entire JR year)

    in College I studied in Russia and Mexico.

    it doesn't matter which country you go too.  what ever you prefer...

    If you can go, do it.  When I went through AFS I didn't get to choose which country, they told me where I was going, but I didn't regret it for a minute.

    Good luck.  and keep an open mind and have fun.

    it is a great opportunity, it will definitly help getting into universities when you apply. and open many doors in the future for jobs.  

    but from your  list, I would go to Italy.

    (when I went to Portugal, Ididn't speak portuguese, just Spanish- but I figured it all out eventually)

  6. Well to get things straight, you can't go for just one semester. You have to go the whole year. The process of culture shock and adjustment takes a long time and you will just start to begin having a good time around 6 months. You have to stay for 10-12 months or not go at all.

    Right now I have been in Brazil for 9 months and I love it. Rotary in the UK isnt very developed I heard. I think for you knowing Spanish it would be a good idea to go to South America.  Everywhere ( i think ) speaks Spanish except for Brazil where they speak portuguese. I came here with phrases scribbled on my arm so i could remember how to say hello and thank you, and now I am almost totally fluent.

    But you HAVE to go for one full academic year. That or you are better off doing a short term exchange for a few weeks in the summer if you dont think you can make it for that long.

    Hope I helped

    Beijos e Abraços


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