
Best Friend And BoyFriend At War.?

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This has turned into world war 3.

It started off as a little game on msn between them 2 now it has turned into a HUGE argument.

They have put me in the middle of it & i told them im not going to pick sides, so im guessing im going to lose them both.

Before you say.. Go with your mate,

Its just as much her fault as it is his..

I have my own problems on top of this.






  1. Just end the argument by telling them they're both wrong, and that if they carry on you're not going to talk to either one of them.  

  2. stay out of it all together and let them carry on until one gives in, carry on with your own things and don't get involved.

  3. wow i dont know what the question is so i say let them have a fistfight and they will feel better after

  4. i think all 3 of ya'll should sit together and solve everything orderwise....act as a judge......that's the only thing u can do when u know u're gonna lose both of them....

  5. I don't think you have to lose either one of them. I've no idea what this argument is about and that's really the deciding factor I think. But honestly, as much as you hate to hear it, if it comes between one or the other then choose your friend. Boyfriends come and go, but you're friends are there forever (usually).  

  6. Well, I say...

    1. Who were you with longer? You certainly could use that as an excuse, if you were that kind of person.

    2. Try the best you can to resolve whatever it is they're doing. I know how fights are, and they're nothing but trouble.

    3. Tell them "Okay, I have problems of my own, so leave me out of this, ok?"

    Hope this helps!

  7. Tell them to grow up and stop acting so immaturely,

    explain you've got problems going on at the moment and that you don't need this on top of everything,

    if they carry on i'd consider getting a new best friend and a new boyfriend.

  8. They both sound immature.  If they can't let their conflict rest and just agree to disagree without pulling you in the middle, then back off from both of them for awhile.  When they see you are not going to be dragged into it anymore and you don't want to hear about it at all period, then they will probably cool down some and return to their normal selves.  Then you won't have to pick and choose who you want to be with.  Also, a lesson here.  Keep the two of them away from each other as much as possible.  They don't mix.

  9. i say go with your friend.i made up a little "saying".instead of bros before (word that rymes with mose),i say sis(friend) before mrs.(married or having a boyfriend).hope i helped!

  10. absolutly make them work this out between the two of them, it should not involve you, i would make that very very clear. and let both of them know that your not going to listen to them talk smak about each other to you!  Thats not fair to put you in the middle.  

  11. Tell them you love them both, but your not getting involved in their petty arguments

  12. whats the fight about?

    is there any possible way they can work it out?

    i mean i would go with my friend because unlesss your going to marry this guy then your going to have your friend alot longer.

  13. sounds like they are both being really stupid---instead of just backing out you should act like nothing ever happenned and be as kind and friendly to them as you have always been. you have to make thm realize tht this is between them and has absolutely nothing to do with you its not your problem --once they figure out tht they are gaining nothing by fighting with eachother, they will stop and youll still have them :) good luck  

  14. Well firstly, you have done the right thing in deciding that you are not picking sides, this is very fair and will not ruin your friendship as much as it would picking a side.

    Having them putting you into the middle is not the best place to be, i know! But if you think of it as: 'I'm in the middle, i am the one making the decisions now.'

    Since your in the middle and really don't want to be, you are the one who needs to re-tell to them exactly what they have put you through or/and re-tell them what they have fight-ed over, and how it happened.

    This should make them think how stupid they are acting. If it doesn't then just be totally honest towards them and say something along the lines of : You two have argued over something that started off as a simple little game.

    That should sort them!

    Hopefully using my advice, you will not lose any of your friends.

    Try it?  

  15. I think that you are completely right not to take sides. They have blown something tiny out of proportion and you are better staying out of the way- dont get involved. I reckon that you will lose one of them if you take sides so just stay out of the way and let them get on with it.

    Good Luck :) XxXx

  16. Enough is enough. You should stop the argument. It seams really stupid.( No offense) Is your best friend really worth your boyfriend and the opposite. I would go with your best friend. GOOD LUCK!!

  17. they need to get a grip and grow up!

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