
Best Friend Problem...=[?

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ok well i am 16 & have a best friend who i have been friends with for a year. the thing is, she has totally changed. before we were friends, she was really quiet and nice & also a bit chubby. this was when she was like 13. anyway, she lost weight quite alot really & was anorexic too (not that she would ever admit) & started hanging out with my group of friends because she wasn't getting along with her other friends anymore. at this point last year, nobody even knew her name & to put it nicely, if it wasn't for me, they still wouldn't. i introduced her to people & also she got a new haircut & looks way different & is more bubbly lately. the problem is, she now seems to think she is "cooler" than me or better in some way & if i do something jokingly she gets embarassed & tells me not to. she does it all the time & it is like what the h**l, nobody else finds it embarassing or annoying. she is very competitive & we coach 11 year olds netball together & i told her today in a jokey way about them thinking she was mean because she always made them run & she pretty much attacked me saying that the only reason they like me more is because i don't follow through with punishments! like what?! also i asked what we should do for the end of netball season & she was like "well i don't care because they hate me anyway"

she has totally changed and thinks she is really popular now even though she doesn't actually have many close friends now & i talk to more people than she does. i don't care that people know me more or that i talk more or whatever, it is more that she treats me like she is better than me & its really irritating!

also i always compliment her on things and she never does it back. like it's not a necessity or anything but she is in her own little world.

i don't want to stop being her friend but i can't confront her about this or she will pretty much hate me. what do i do??? thanks!




  1. that sucks first of all for u.

    I would pretty much tell her what you've stated here.

    I think u feel you've created her image for her and now she's turned her  back on u.

  2. either comfront her and make her hate you. or just ignore her, since she doesnt have many friends, shell be nicer to you and see whats wrong, then you can tell her well i dont like this and that...or just cut the ***** off...she has some attitude.

  3. yeah she has actually changed. if i were you i'd just ignore untill she grows up, she's like a child ( and she is one ). ok, you KNOW that you're much better, you KNOW that had not it been you she wouldn't be ANYTHING, you know she's being a little kiddie, and trust me she know all this too, and that's why she is competing with you, that's the only explanation so you just don't compete back, relax, don't get so annoyed by that, everyone has that little bit of jealousy and i really pity those you can't actually hide it, they will be ashamed of it later. i also had a friend like that, but a bit different situation and she just has totally different friends now, once she didn't eve say hi when i met her in the street, i don't give a ****, i know i'm much better than she is, she know that as well and that kills her. i hate proud people so much... and have no need of them ! :--) just don't do anything, wait while she WAKES UP so maybe she'll stop doing that, if she won't , then she'll cease being friends with you a bit. you just don't pay attention on her attacks, just laugh at them and see what she'll do with your relationship.. good luck !!! :--)

  4. why do you joke with her who is more popular are you jealous that she in being noticed in front of the netball team... what ever is in the heart the mouth will tell.. think about it???

    just do your own thing and limit your conversatoin with her cos really at the end of it all you too will separate and go your own ways.. and if she is trying to be some one she isnt is will show up..

    if you both cannot work together witht the net ball team the go your own way..move on

  5. Answer pretty much lies in the question.  Look at objectively.  Here you have a maybe a person with an inferiority complex who never got noticed to being a changed person "because of you".  She copies you, she probably dresses like you and tries to talk like you, and is most probably inside jealous of you!  We like to better people, who we consider our competition.  She is having trouble fitting in a group she has never been in before, I doubt even if she had very many friends.  So try to understand where she is coming from.  She is still pretty insecure, and she covers it up by doing 'stupid' things, that she may think are cool, and considered cool, but in actuality, she badly wants to fit in and to do so she thinks she needs to complete with you to get attention.  And honey no one becomes anything because of anyone else, they do so because they want to and they work at it.  Sure you introduced her and all but the rest she did by example.  So if you are eager to accept the change in her is because of you, you should accept the whole package deal, including her attitude.  She must be learning from example, look around and observe and ask yourself honestly aren't You just a bit jealous of her as well.  There is no need on either side, friends are there for help when a friend needs them, so you either accept her and teach her by example or you slowly break off.  Ask her what embarrasssses her, and why, when it does not embarras everyone else, after all all can't be wrong can they if they don't find your behaviour embarrassing.  You can calmly tell her if I embarrass you then maybe I should just stay away to save you from your embarrassment.  And do so until she realizes how wrong she is in her attitude, ask you friends who are trouble as well to do the same.  But do so calmly without giving any blame to her.  When she sees no one is sticking around to be embarrassed by, she will realize she is the one who overreacts.

  6. When a friend does that 2 you, they are NOT a friend! Sounds like you are pretty popular, just forget her but when you do see her smile and say Hi, and just don't get on her bad side. Good luck! x

  7. Oh high school...

    In a few months you'll forget about this whole situation.


    I would sit her down and tell her that you like to joke with her and you never mean anything bad by it and ask her what's really wrong. This doesn't sound like she is mad at -you-. It sounds like there is something else going on and she has no one else to take it out on. She may just need someone to help her through this.

    Plus it doesn't help if you still consider her that anti-social fat kid in the corner. She is a new person and it shouldn't matter if she talks to other people.

    Maybe you also need to deal with some attention problems. Your friends are your friends but that doesn't mean you have to push it in her face all the time.

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