
Best Friends birthday.?

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i know you cant really answer spacifics b.c u dont know her. but her girlfriend took the idea i had and claimed it as her own. biiitch. lmao, so now i have to come up with something else.

i was thinking something in rememberence of her baby cuz that passed away.

what are some good things that are a memorial type thing that she could take with her. or keep forever.

any ideas?




  1. Maybe a pic scratch book.

  2. How about NOT having a memorial for a lost child?  I mean, it's her birthday.  Why not just celebrate HER instead of reminding her about that?  I'm sure she's gonna remember her baby forever and I think bringing that type of thing up at a birthday party/celebration would kind of dampen the mood.  Maybe try to focus on more positive things.

    When my best friend's birthday rolls around I'm definitely not gonna bring up a memorial for her boyfriend that shot himself last October.

    Stay on course and keep it happy!

    Good luck.

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