
Best Golf Ball ?

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My favorite is the ProV1 beacuse of the spin for chipping. But when i Tee off I slice it so what i need is a ball that has no spin off the tee but spin for chipping. Any suggestions.




  1. I bet you, you can use any golf ball and still slicing it. Slicing is caused by open club, outside in swing, wrong stance or wrong grip. You need Golf lesson. Good Luck.

  2. hmmmmm.....well if your slicing it get some help on that, unless your a very low handicapper whatever ball you use doesnt matter

  3. Listen to flatstick on this one, he's right on.

  4. Maybe the Pro V1x can help ur slice but what usually causes a slice is ur swing not the ball. So I'd stick with the Pro V1 because i don't think the Pro V1x has enough spin for my liking. This is just my opinion so don't take it personally. Stick to the Pro V1. :)

  5. Well the golf ball does not cause your slice, you having your club face open at impact does, so it does not matter what ball you use you will still slice , just go to your local range and get a lesson tell the instructor what the problem is , if he is good he will videotape you and your problem will be apparent right away for you to see then work on a fix for your swing and practice then you will be on your way .

    Good Luck.

  6. top flight X-out their the ones top flight does want their names on

  7. slazenger is the best

  8. Pro V1's, but I've had good results from lesser ball manufacturers before.

  9. I got a bunch of free golf balls of every brand. At my level, none is better than the next. I do notice I like the way some feel coming off the club (soft vs hard) when I hit it.

    Like someone said, unless you are really really good, the ball is not going to make that much of a difference.

  10. Slicing is caused by open club face, outside in swing, weak grip.  It's not the golf balls fault.

  11. The degree of proficiency is not accomplished with any ball, it is accomplished through technique . It also appears you are a wedge user who wants to emulate Tiger Woods who spent hours honing that skill. So instead of lofting every approach shot try the " bump and run", the low " grab and bite " or the" loft and spin ". Any ball will accomplish the results if struck properly.

  12. pro v1 is the best

  13. You can't have it both ways.  A ball that spins a lot around the green (ProV or Nike One) will also have a high spin rate sideways.  Your slice is not the balls fault, so you should work on correcting that, but in the meantime you might try a ball with a slightly lower spin rate like the Titleist NXT Tour.  It still has good feel around the green, but due to lower spin rate won't hook or slice quite as much.
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