
Best Horse Contest!?

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Here is the chance to show off your horse! Post a picture of your wonderful horse and let me know why he/she is so great!

This is just for fun but who ever really impresses me gets best answer! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!





    - best horse hands down, he's super quiet & very kind, not a bad bone in his body, would trust him more than any other & is of course, my best friend (warmblood, 18yrs, 16.2hh) - this little guy's a finalist in 'the cutest pet of the year' at the moment in our major newspaper competition (miniature, 18months, 30inches :))


    This is my pony Auggie! Auggie is great because she is the sweetest, friendliest, and nicest horse you could ever meet. And whats so amazing about that is because she was a rescue horse. Before she came to our barn, she was abused and starved, and was never ever trained properly for the jumper world. When we got her, she always crashed through jumps, sped around the ring like a crazed animal, and barely listened to the rider. Because she wasn't trained well, my barn's owner wanted to get rid of her. Also, nobody could ride Auggie except me, which upset the owner because she believes in teh whole "earn your keep" philosophy. So, I worked hard with Auggie, and she showed improvement. Then one day, I had a lesson with the owner. We preformed perfectly, which completely changed her mind about Auggie. Now, Auggie was allowed to stay! Next, I wanted to show her in the upcoming barn show season. Jen, the barn owner, didn't like the idea too much. She said that Auggie would never become a show horse. Ever. Well, after her very first show season, we have three first places, a reserve champion, a champion, and a grand reserve champion under our belts. Auggie's show name is Rags To Riches, and its totally true. She went from rags; a horse that nobody believed in or wanted. But because someone loved her and believed she could be worth something, she is now a first place show horse. This is why Auggie is so great, because her life was turned around so much. She went from nobody loving her to a well loved school horse.

  3. This is tilly she is a three year old quarter horse mare she is awesome you can ride her bareback with a halter or saddle her and hit the trails I let my 5 year old son ride her you can crawl all around her nuthing bothers her I have raised her from when she was 4 1/2 months old she has just been amazing never kicked at people never bit anyone never bucked and she has been rode in grand entries at rodeos  and is going to be in the fourth of july parade next month she is th BEST filly i have ever been around and she is only 3 and only gona get better She is the best horse EVER. Skipn Chantilly Lace is her registered name!!!!

  4. Nifty ... not a horse=BEST mule! my default pic foreground is Nifty. Background is Dolly=BEST donkey!

    Nifty is 27 I've owned her since she was 3 she was very much abused before we got her and we're just learning that she has a severe back injury that was caused before we got her. She's won many championships at CO state fair and other shows around the area, and some competitive trail rides and we've never known she was injured! I feel bad knowing that she did/does have an injury, but she's been amazing, and worked through all the pain that had to have come with this injury! She's my baby, and I am hopeful that nothing bad will come of this finding.

    Dolly is 8 and is an amazing baby sitter for my kids, she doesn't know a whole lot, but we're training and she's a really quick learner. VERY willing to do pretty much anything. The first time I rode her was bare back with a halter, and she was cool with that. The kids crawl all over and around her and she's so curious and cautious with them its amazing!

    Sorry I entered two and neither are actually horses! But I had to enter them.


    This is my new baby, Simsek (Turkish name) 6 months - he would have ended up on the mountain if we let his old owner have his way. But we stepped in and said we would take care of him.

    He was unhandled since birth and is now building a little trust with us. He loves my children and now lets us pet him a little.

    I dont care if he doesnt win this contest, because he has won my heart a million times over! x

  6. Bumper:

    he's not my horse, but the horse that i ride... and i figured that it wouldn't hurt to reply to this.

    he's a schooling horse and he's an ex-racer.

    he's the best because he's sweet, adorable, and soo fun to ride. He never bites, and he takes care of you in and out of the saddle. He's has his quirks (like the ways he "trips" when you're riding him. and how he cribs...) but he's the sweetest and most well-tempered horse i've ever ridden.

    he's the best :)

  7. how many of our horses can we enter? i'm entering both of mine and my mom's. chrome and teak our mine, chrome is the gray, teak the sorrel. tulsa is my mom's, the paint. i only have pictures of me and my trainer riding her (before we bought her) on my computer now, so you'll have to bear with me of the sorta bad pics.

  8. i dont have a picture of any of them..


    ADD** actually thinking back on this question, every horse is the very best in their own way. whether it be barrels, western pleasure, jumping or dressage. so really, all the horses(and mules and longears) below and aboveshould win because they are all the best in their own way.
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