
Best LCD brand tv?

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im getting 500-600$ for my birthday(turning 14 june 21) its my b day gift and a gift because of my great grades and i was wondering what is the best lcd brand tv? i will be hooking up my xbox 360 to it and maybe my computer so if anyone has an idea about the best one post here




  1. Like one person already said, a Sony Bravia is the best quality, but not the best value.  Given your situation, i would say that is out of your price range.  I don't know what size you want, but I would say a smaller tv.  I think you could afford a medium size Samsung LCD.  Samsung is right up there with Sony, but with more value.  If that is too steep, than I would reccommend going in store and checking out some LG's and possiby the better Sharps.  I would reccommend getting no bigger than a 26", since anything bigger is kind of too much.

  2. I just turned 16 and i got a Vizio 42 inch for 750 and i love it the picture is great and its a great value at that size i have xbox live and it looks great on it too

  3. Samsung and LG make great TV's. If you weren't on a budget, you can go all out with Sony Bravia's, but I think Samsung and LG looked as great, maybe even better.

  4. I think the best quality would be a Sony Bravia.

    I'm not sure if it will be in your price range, but that's probably the best way to go.

    Good Luck
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