
Best Middleweight Boxer of the last 50 years?

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The middleweight division has consistently had some of the most memorable intense champions of any division in boxing, who is the best middle of the last 50 years?




  1. the legendary Morris East

  2. I would say Marvin Hagler was the best. Bernard Hopkins deserves mention because of the record number of title defenses . Ray Leonard only fought a few fights in the middleweight division so I don't think he should even be considered.

  3. Marvelous Marvin Hagler.  If not for that rip-off loss to Ray Leonard, he would be regularly mentioned amongs the all-time greats.

  4. With Robinson out of the picture, I put Hagler slightly ahead of Monzon, and Jones a very close 3rd.  James Toney gets an honorable mention at 4th.

  5. Carlos Monzon,undefeated after 7 years,truly great fighter.

  6. since robinson .

    i would put monzon first, hagler a close second, hopkins third and maybe jones jr forth.

  7. Roy Jones Jr.

    I saw Marvin Hagler fight at the time and believe me, he was good but he wasn't as good as RJJ. Not by a long way.

    We have a habit of looking back with rose tinted spectacles, but the fact is Marvin wouldn't have even got near to Roy, and would probably have been KO'd within eight rounds.

    I know it may be hard to hear but it's a fact.

  8. on paper im pretty sure its sugar ary leonard but in my opinion i also think marvin hagler is the best.

  9. Roy Jones Jr i might just think that cause hes my best boxer but thats for a good reason hes da man!!!

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