
Best Militaries In The World?

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So who has the best military in the world? I don't just want to know who has the best military however i would also like to know some details about militaries such as China, Russia, USA and all other interesting militaries. I realise you aren't here to answer my questions all night but i can't find out anything about any military barring a few on the internet. Thanks.




  1. US is no doubt the best but the low morale and everything is hurting it's prospects.

    I'm going to have to go with Russia. I supported them against the Georgians. I was impressed how they launched a blitz in Georgia and forced those freaking Georgians to accept cease-fire, and all this by just attacking military targets with precision bombing and no "friendly fires".

    PS: Israel is a joke. They are better off killing helpless, defenseless Palestinian children. I remember how they got their butts kicked by a few hundred Hezbollah fighters.  

  2. Israel have only fought Arabs so they are discounted!

    So that leaves

    1st      Iceland (anyone who puts up with Bjork must be hard)

    2nd     Cuba  (Put USA in its place)

    3rd      Salvation army  ( Never heard of anyone argue with this lot )

    4th      USA  ( they keep saying they are` so there must be something in it` and anyone who says different gets the thumbs down on yahoo answers! So they must be hard)

  3. Each military I think has its own strengths and weaknesses.

    The US is a highly trained, extremely well equipped force. However, there is a heavy reliance on high tech eqipment that is costly.

    The PRC has a gigantic army, some 5 million standing force. However, the PLA relies too much on this "human wave" and casualties in any full out conflict would be very high.

    The Russians are still strong in armor and have a good air force, though they still have a lot of old soviet style centralized tactics and structural problems.

    The Israelis, though very small, are very professional and have a LOT ofactual combat experience.

    On balance, I say a toss up between US and Israel, but I am a little biased being an American.

  4. Israel # 1 and USA # 2.

  5. Well obviously the USA and China, as well as Russia have the worlds most powerful militaries. China has the largest military with about a total of 7 million members, active and reserve. The US I believe has best military technology in the world. Russia is not to far behind China and the US either. Don't forget about some other powerful militaries in the world, such as N. and S. Korea, Iran, Israel, Great Britain and Germany.

  6. China has the largest military.

  7. USA has the best technology and morale of those three. The weaponry of the Chinese is antiquated, and as shown in the Georgian invasion, Russia seems to still have serious structural problems. The US Military however has a major disadvantage, as they have to follow the "rules of war", while the other two generally don't abide by them. The US also has fewer numbers, mostly due to the lack of a draft. Though that also explains their higher morale.

  8. If by best you mean most powerful then US-Russia-China-Great Britain and France are usually the top five. Best trained Isreal-US-Republic of Korea-British-Australian then the rest. The link below might help you research some of this easier.

  9. USA hands down.  There are a lot of countries out there with a military that is good at A, B, or C.  The US is the ONLY one that has A, B, AND C.  There are some countries like the UK that can project power globally, but no other country can even come close to matching the power projection of the US.  There are countries with ISR assets, but none of them come anywhere near the satellite/aircraft/etc. ISR capability of the US.  The US has the most accurate navigation and mapping.  The US has the most capable combat aircraft, the most airlift and refueling capability.  The US has the best training for their forces---just ask Italy, Japan, France, Brazil, or any of the other countries that send their people to train in the US.  

  10. it goes

    1. America- the American military is truly un-beatable, they are the only miltary that can put a devastating force on the ground anywhere on the globe in 24 hours, the U.S Air Force is hands down the best on earth, and the U.S Navy cannot be beaten by any other, the saying goes "he who controls the skies controls the battlefield" and theirs another saying "the U.S Air Force is the best Air Force in the world, the second best Air Force in the world is the U.S Navy

    2. China- china has the largest army yet it is very potorly trained and doesent have enough weapons to arm all their troops, they instead rely on the "human wave" tactic, their air force is small and ancient and so is their navy currently, they have been updating their navy and air force as of late, but cannot conduct operations if they dont share boarders or the fights on their homeland

    3.Great Britain- Great Britain has a very capable fighting force that can be very deadly, their only down side is that they cannot project power very quickly or efficiently across the globe without help (the british needed help from America to get troops to the falkands)

    4. Germany- germany has a very advanced military with one of the best main battle tank in the world, one of the most advance submarine fleets

    5. France- the french have a very capable military, their Air Force ecspecially, one of the best part of the french military is the foreign legion. those are men who are not french but are from all over the world but come to the legion for a number of different reasons, they are something nobody else has, the major downfall however of the french military is that even if they were invaded the french public would roll over and play dead because they simply have no stomache for war

    the reason i left russia out of the top 5 is because the russian military is almost completly obsolete, the best russian divisions went into georgia and all i saw was some very old tanks with a pathetic attempt to up armor them, the russian navy is in terrible shape and their submarine fleet is falling apart


  12. If you are talking about the strongest military in the world. The one that could beat all other standing militaries 1v1, then that is the US. If it is to some other criteria, define best.

  13. Here are the top 39

    1  United States

    2  Russia

    3  China

    4  India

    5  Germany

    6  France

    7  Japan

    8  Turkey

    9  Brazil

    10  Great Britain

    11  Italy

    12  South Korea  

    13  Indonesia

    14  Mexico

    15  Canada

    16  Iran

    17  Egypt

    18  North Korea

    19  Spain

    20  Pakistan

    21  Australia

    22  Saudi Arabia

    23  Thailand

    24  Argentina

    25  Sweden

    26  Israel

    27  Greece

    28  Taiwan

    29  Syria

    30  Philippines

    31  Poland

    32  Ukraine

    33  Norway

    34  Iraq

    35  Libya

    36  Venezuela

    37  Lebanon

    38  Nepal

    39  Afghanistan

  14. I understand that the best military is the Israelis...They certainly have the best secret service and intellegence section...The USA after that..

  15. the ones that don't have to fight. means that s***s peaceful in their neck of the woods

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