
Best Online Translating company?

by  |  earlier

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I need an online translating company that doesnt charge too much and is cheap, yet also delivers good service. Has anybody used any companies and would reccomend them as the best agency to use for translating?




  1. Online translators are useless.....translate this into, say, Spanish and then back into English and see what gobbledygook it comes out with..

    "A swallow that cannot fly or a fly that cannot swallow....which is worse?"

  2. There is a new FREE download called Babylon 7  which is supposed to be the best ever. I have downloaded but haven't used it yet.

    It is not quite what you asked for but it may help

    Follow the link.

  3. For my company we use Lingua UK Translating Services. They are really good and cheap but they are always accurate, they use native speakers to translate in to their mother tongue so it is therefore perfect.

    Lingua UK handles about 20 translations per week for us I would highly recommend them if you're looking for cheap quality translating. I have written the URL below.

  4. This is the best online translating company.

    Good Luck.

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