
Best PS3 and Xbox360 exclusive games?

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Hi, I was just wondering if you can tell me what the top 5 exclusive games for the PS3 and the top 5 exclusives for Xbox360 are. If you have more than 5 feel free to list them all. Thanks.




  1. 360- Halo 3 Gears of war Forza Motorsport 2 Crackdown Saints Row

    PS3- Metal Gear Solid 4 Resistance Fall of Man Uncharted Drakes Fortune Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction Heavenly Sword

  2. Xbox 360- Gears of war, halo 3, crackdown, saints row, mass effect

    PlayStation 3- Metal gears solid 4, Ratcher and clank, Uncharted, warhawk, Resistance fall of man

    i mostly named games that are out but here are some coming out later this year and next

    Xbox 360- Gears of war 2, Fable 2,  Splinter cell convivtion

    PlayStation 3 - Killzone 2, Little Big planet, Socom confrantation

  3. They're both great systems but i prefer ps3 cuz its more reliable and it has more games coming out dis year

    ps3 exclusives:


    Resistance 2

    Rachet and Clank


    Little Big Planet


    Splinter Cell



    Killzone 2



    Gears of War

    Gears of war2

    ??? i dunno any more

  4. ps3-metal gear solid 4 ratchet and clank tools of destruction resistance fall of man

    all of man hevenly sword(but short) uncarted drakes fortune

    xbox 360 halo3 progect gotham racing 4 blue dragon gears of war

    comming soon little big planet street figther 4 resident evil 5 resitance fall of man 2 killzone gears of war 2

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