
Best Pet Birth Stories?

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I want to know your very best animal birth stories....10 points!




  1. my cat birthed kittens. it was so nasty. she put out this big organ-like blob than ate it. (if found out it was for nutrition, but still nasty)

    these little things came out naked and covered in mung (yes that is a word)

    birth looked like pooping out organs, but of course something in our weird human minds sees these discusting creatures and makes us say "awww can i hold one?"

  2. Well this spring my cat had her kittens under some hay bales the kittens were freezing cold . So we brought them in and rubbed them with a towel to get some warmth in them.Then the mother had a kitten in my dads hand !!! We put the on a heating pad to get them warm. They all lived!!! But soon after 2 of them got distemper and died.

  3. I took in a homeless cat that my neighbors put out... she got pg before I was able to have her spayed and ended up having 4 kittens ... 2 alive and 2 no so much.  One of her babies was a long haired orange baby...minutes old and  eyes still would automaticly start climbing toward you when anyone would come in the room and start talking ...

    I was having a gathering and there was a lot of talking and going in to see the babies.  

    I walked in and the little orange one had crawled out of the bed I made for mom and the other kitties... (mom was still in labor) well guess what I found on the floor beside the bed ??? it was the Orange one.... she must have heard the laughing and carring on in the living room...and wanted to join us!  

    I decided to keep her right then and there ... she is the MOST outgoing friendly cat I have ever had. (mom I had fixed and a new home... & other baby I found a home for)

    Her name is Petunia...

  4. I've got 2.

    1. It was an early morning me and my Sib's and I were getting ready to go and then I looked out the window and, well there was something squirming by our dog. I figured out it was a puppy. Then our dog got scared of it. She had another (apparently not feeling the pain) and try ed to dig out of The kennel. She eventually figured it out. (about the 4th) well none of us could be late so we called our dad. Who stayed home and watched our dog and puppies. Here is the best part. When we were gone one came out, it wasn't breathing. He tore it out of the sack and gave it mouth to mouth! lol He still can't believe he did it! But we named it Lazarus and it followed him around EVERYWHERE!!! He now lives with a vet.

    2. My sis and I had got ton hamsters. A boy and a girl. Well about a week or 2 after we got them "they were getting fat" well we put them on a diet.(no sunflower seeds extra) And a few days later heard a lot of squeaking. Babies. yup. and we thought they were fat. (well the boy was!) but the sad part is that the mother turned aggressive. = (

    Hope this is funny enough!


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