
Best Power Hitter -Round 5-

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ARod won the last round by picking up 9 out of 12 votes in the American League vs. Ortiz, but in the National League Ryan Howard beat the Red slugger Dunn 8 to four. So who will win the Title of Best Power Hitter? will it be ARod came back in the second round to beat Manny, or will it be Ryan Howard who beat the Prince in round one 12-5, but then struggled to stay in the competition in the second round vs. Bruan. Who do you want?

A-Rod or Ryan Howard

Its all in the hand of you!!!!

*Person to get the right anwser first will get ten, no smartass comments




  1. Ryan Howard.

  2. Alex Rodriguez is a better hitter than Ryan Howard

  3. A-Rod is the better hitter, its not even close, however Howard has more Power. In his first full campeign, Howard broke A-Rods career best of 57 HR with 58. His porblem is he is just trying too hard now. But your question asks for best power hitter....

    Best POWER Hitter - Howard.

  4. I haven't follow Ryan Howard, but I can tell you that A-rod doesn't even deserve to be in the conversation.  He should have lost early on!!!

    Who would you rather have Josh Hamilton or A-Rod?

    Being a Ranger fan who has watched both players, I would take Hamilton over A-Rod ANY DAY!!!

    A-Rod has numbers, but his numbers appear to show up in meaningless games in meaningless ways.  He is NOT a TEAM player, but rather loyal to one thing, himself.  He's the Kobe of MLB and quite frankly very unliked.

    I could go on and on about Hamilton...but then I would be stealing your question...

    Ultimately in your question, my vote is for Howard!!!

  5. arod

  6. Well if you saying best power hiter it is Ryan Howard. If your saying best all around hitter it is A-Rod so I have to go with Howard even though he strikes out a lot.

    Ryan Howard The KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKing of Swing

  7. If we're talking a pure power hitter, Ryan Howard gets the edge.

    A-Rod has hit for power over the course of his carrer and is a better overall hitter.

    Howard will have the years when he hits 50+ homers.  Something A-Rod most likely won't do.

  8. I think I answered this already, but I will answer it again.  A-Rod and Howard don't even belong in the same sentance together.  A-Rod hands down over Ryan Howard any day of the week.

    For the guy below me, A-Rod hit 50 HR's last season.

  9. i think in terms of just power they are very similar. both have 50+ home run potential every year. that being said-

    Arod is the better power hitter because, while equalling howard's power, he brings a good batting average and won't set the record for k's in a season....twice.

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