
Best Prank phone call ever!?

by  |  earlier

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What was your best prank call or just a good one like what did you say what did they say.

I liked me and my friend calling pizza hut heres the conv.

ps we knew for a fact they wernt like busy or anything.


mallory hi im mallory id like a pizza

lady okaay. what kind

mallory wait first whats your first name

lady kim

mallory okay kim id like a like a large chease pizza with everything but only cheese.

kim so a plain large cheese pizza

mallory you got it

kim anything else?

mallory actually yes do you have a life.

kim um know we don't serve those

mallory oh okay i need one


mallory then do you know what a preposition is

kim umm no

mallory drat neither do i imgoing to fail my homwork are you good at homework

kim im 33 and working at pizza hut what do you think

mallory ithink your like uber smart and rich and retired and thought making pizza sounded fun

kim yeaah what adress should it be delivered to

mallory well see the two kids smiling at you

kim uh yeah

mallory they will do nicly good bye kim

kim goodbye mallory

wahaha that was a really fun day it was funny haha kim delivered it to us and her name tag said becky so we asked about that she said it was the last employs name haha anyway whats your best or good prank call




  1. go to Click on Audio/Prank calls. near the top of the page you'll see soundboards.Click on it and use them.They're hilarious

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