
Best Pre-Pregnancy Multivitamin?

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My husband and I aren't "planning" on a baby right now, but we are only using condoms. I want to be careful and be taking a good multivitamin just in case I do get pregnant. I want to be sure I am getting enough folic acid every day. So my question is: Which multivitamin is the best one for pre-pregnancy. A good "just in case" vitamin. I know this may sound nerdy, but I am just trying to be responsible.




  1. I took vitamins as a "just in case" measure as well. So it doesn't sound nerdy to me at all. Its honestly very smart. Its the best way to prepare yourself/your health just in case you do get pregnant. Not only did I take prenatals daily, my hubby started taking a mens multivitamin daily as well. Which is also very important, so that when you do get pregnant the man's "swimmers" (sorry if tmi, just trying to inform you) are also in very good health. I've heard its good for the man to take vitamins at least 3 months prior.

    I took and still take walgreens prenatal vitamins prior to pregnancy and during this pregnancy (doctor said it was perfectly fine, and I didn't need to switch prenatals).

    Currently 23 weeks pregnant with me and my hubbys first :)

    *** Oh, I meant to add... with this prenatal if your taking it "prior to pregnancy" you just need to take one (it says this on the box). When you are pregnant you take two. Which you will appreciate when your pregnant, because most prenatal vitamins are huge... and these are regular size you just double the dose when your pregnant.

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