
Best SPF for Orlando, Fl?

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Im going on vacation there in a month and im wondering what is the best spf for around there? I would like to get a tan but not burn myself to bits. Thanks!




  1. To protect your skin the way you should, you need 30 or 45.  But if you only want to half-protect your skin, you might want 15.  I don't recommend it.  The sun is hot and bright!

  2. If you still want to tan - I'd go with 15, but get a waterproof kind.  You don't want it washing off on a water ride, in the rain, or just get sweated off.  You'll also want to re-apply it often to make sure you have the best coverage.  

    SPF 2 blocks approx 50% of UVB rays

    SPF 15 blocks approx 93% of UVB rays

    SPF 30 blocks approx 97% of UVB rays

    getting anything higher than 30 is kind of like throwing your money away, because it's only a couple of percentage points and they'll charge you 2 or 3 times as much.

    Most important, make sure you are applying it properly.  Most people don't apply enough to really protect them as well as they should.

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