
Best Species of Ram?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to purchase rams for my tank 1nce my spawning kribs have been moved to a smaller breeding tank.

Which is the most attractive ram species?

Hw many should i buy (i.e. compatible)?

Are they easy to breed?

Are they compatible with angelfish?

If u hav breeding knowledge plz giv me details of courtship?




  1. For tank mates of angelfish, I would recommend blue or bolivian rams.  There isn't too much of a difference in the way they look, but it is a preference thing.

    If you are looking for a bit more color, then go with the blue rams.  Keep in mind that they can be aggressive towards each other so you can purchasing a few males and a few females and see if they pair off.

    Like all cichlids, they need to create their own pairs then its possible for them to breed once they get to breeding size.

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