
Best Stock Book You Ever Read?

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Best Stock Book You Ever Read?




  1. View It Now    FinanceExtends (dot) com

  2. Confessions of a stockbroker.

  3. The Intelligent Investor, Security Analysis

  4. it's not a stock book, but it gave me so much understanding of how economics work that it helps me predict long term trends that always pay off.

    "An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations".  Adam Smith

    Follow the capital, and you'll know where to invest.  

    Japanese candles are cool, and I use them in my short term trades, but get the long term trades right and you'll always have gains.  You've got to understand fundamental economic theory.

    Oh, and by the way, in my experience, if you read, study, and thoroughly understand Adam Smith, you'll know more about economics than half the economics PHD's out there, who skimmed this book and never seriously contemplated the "invisible hand", or what it REALLY means (that domestic production for domestic consumption is the real growth story)

  5. Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques - Nison

  6. A highly rated stock book I liked was "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits" by Philip Fisher.  It doesn't tell you exactly how to value a stock but it tells you the important features to look at when buying a company.

    I looked at it because Warren Buffet said he is 85% Benjamin Graham and 15% Philip Fisher.

    I haven't read the Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham yet but if the richest man in the world, who made all of his money by investing, likes Mr. Graham and Mr. Fisher, then I am going to follow that lead.

    I also read Future for Investors by Jeremy Siegel.  He shows how dividends are more important for higher returns than a company who grows and doesn't pay dividends.

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