
Best Stock to Invest Into?

by  |  earlier

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Hi. I'm 12 years old. I have a limit of $30.00. I want to invest into a stock that is doing very well and will end up giving me money instead of having me spending money. So can anyone help me with the BEST stock. Thanks!




  1. I want to know the same thing

  2. Apple, the computer company. When the iPod Minis came out 4 years ago, their stock values rose 200% in a few months, and then another 100% when the nano's came out. But I haven't been watching much lately.

  3. if your 12, save your money until your 20+, then consider something....until then research the market and pick stocks to watch........30.00 will barely even pay  the trading fee..........

  4. Google , Coca cola , and Mc Donalds

    search at

    for stock prices.

  5. Look up a company called Enron!!

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