
Best Stocks?

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Banks and other financial institutions r in deep troubles nowadays, are they the best prospects to look after? why?




  1. No, financials are the worst prospects. Even though they are at lows, the only time ill buy them is when they prove themselves by going up for at least a month.

    Bad prospects are financials, airlines, housing.

    Good prospects are oil, energy, solar, wind, chemicals, and rails, steel, coal, gold.

    Its a very good time to buy the "good prospects" since they have had their little pull back.

  2. Stay well clear of ANY stocks and keep your $$$ in cash.

    You're lucky to have some so keep it!!!

    The market is about to free fall.

    The credit crisis, banking crisis, oil crisis, global economy, inflation, the name's not good and the stock market is not immune from the massive capital depreciation that is taking place right now (except in commodities).

    Good Luck!

  3. SOME financials are good to look at, but the overall consensuw is that its still a bit too early for broad financial sector buying. I actually bought some last week, but since I hold reallylong term it doesnt bother me as long as the whole sector doesnt go ubder.

  4. This "INVESTMENT GUIDE" is more helpful for you to make your money to make money for you,without taking any risk.

    To gain more information ABOUT BEST STOCKS,just gothrough the site

  5. ,mainly look at the economy,bio fuel companys will rocket up even though they are quite high sat the moment,look at what the economy needs,alternative energy,stay away from blue chips,read william oneils book-how to make money in stocks,there are 12 rules to seeking out a good stock,good luck
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